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TASKPRINT and OPERPRINT--Shot Commentary


displays comments from the TASKLOG table   to your terminal, a print queue, or an output file.
   Year, single Date, single XP, Shot, Help, eXit[ ]? D
   Date (dd-mmm-yyyy, dd-- for this month)[ ]? 27-MAY-1994
    getting possible XP's:
   output to tty(,), print queue(e.g.,rl0), or file(name.ext)[ ]? ,

displays comments from the OPERLOG table   to your terminal, a print queue, or an output file.
   Shot range, Date range, search STring, Help, eXit[ ]?
                       S 76764 76778
   output to tty(,), print queue(e.g.,rl0), or file(name.ext)[ ]? ,

These tools are maintained by Marilee Thompson.

Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 11:22:04 EDT 1997