TRANSP is a system for time dependent 1 1/2 dimensional transport and confinement analysis and diagnostic simulation of tokamak data. A TRANSP analysis requires extensive diagnostic input data which it uses to model the evolution of the tokamak plasma, computing solutions to equations describing poloidal field diffusion, particle balance, power balance, and momentum balance. Auxiliary models are provided for neutral beams, ICRF, sawteeth, and pellets. A wide range of options are provided for modeling of phenomena such as beam heating which cannot be directly measured. A variety of diagnostic simulations are computed. For a list of references describing the various physics models used in TRANSP, see the file TRANSP$:[CMSREF.DOC]REFS.DOC. TRANSP and related codes are maintained by Doug McCune, Dick Wieland, Ted Terpstra, Greg Hammett.
A typical input data set consists of the one and two dimensional Ufiles which contain: the evolution of the profiles of plasma electron density, electron and ion temperature, radiative power emission, the evolution of the plasma boundary location and shape, the evolution of toroidal field, plasma current, surface voltage, and magnetic estimate of plasma energy content, and impurity content, ion temperature and/or neutron emission. In addition, imposed experimental conditions are described, e.g., in the presence of neutral injection the beam powers, voltages, and geometries are specified. TRANSP output consists of a set of data files which may be accessed by the RPLOT interactive plotting program.
Because the amount of work involved in preparing UFILES data sets for TRANSP analysis is substantial, only a small number of shots are actually analyzed in this manner. Notes from a ``Seminar on How to Prepare Input for TRANSP'', are available from Doug McCune.