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5.2 Plot Function Keywords

In addition to the keyword arguments described above with individual Gist primitive plotting commands, the following keywords are available to modify the details of the plots.

legend = "text destined for the legend"

Set the legend for a plot. There are no default legends in PyGist. Legends are never plotted to the X window; use the plq command to see them interactively. Legends will appear in hardcopy output unless they have been explicitly turned off.
Plotting Commands: plg, plm, plc, plv, plf, pli, plt, pldj
See Also: hide

hide = 0/1

Set the visibility of a plotted element. The default is hide=0, which means that the element will be visible. Use hide=1 to remove the element from the plot (but not from the display list).
Plotting Commands: plg, plm, plc, plv, plf, pli,plt, pldj
See Also: legend

type = <line type value>

Select line type. Valid values are the strings "solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "dashdotdot", and "none". The "none" value causes the line to be plotted as a polymarker. The type value may also be a number; 0 is "none", 1 is "solid", 2 is "dash", 3 is "dot", 4 is "dashdot", and 5 is "dashdotdot".
Plotting Commands: plg, plm, plc, pldj
See Also: width, color, marks, marker, rays, closed, smooth

width = <floating point value>

Select line width. Valid values are positive floating point numbers giving the line thickness relative to the default line width of one half point, which is width = 1.0.
Plotting Commands: plg, plm, plc, pldj, plv (only if hollow=1)
See Also: type, color, marks, marker, rays, closed, smooth

color = <color value>

Select line or text color. Valid values are the strings "bg", "fg", "black", "white", "red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", or a 0-origin index into the current palette. The default is "fg". Negative numbers may be used instead of the strings: -1 is "bg" (background), -2 is "fg" (foreground), -3 is black, -4 is white, -5 is red, -6 is green, -7 is blue, -8 is cyan, -9 is magenta, and -10 is yellow.
Plotting Commands: plg, plm, plc, pldj, plt
See Also: type, width, marks, marker, mcolor, rays, closed, smooth

marks = 0/1

Select unadorned lines (marks=0), or lines with occasional markers (marks=1). Ignored if type is "none" (indicating polymarkers instead of occasional markers). The spacing and phase of the occasional markers can be altered using the mspace and mphase keywords; the character used to make the mark can be altered using the marker keyword.
Plotting Commands: plg, plc
See Also: type, width, color, marker, rays, mspace, mphase, msize, mcolor

marker = <character or integer value>

Select the character used for occasional markers along a polyline, or for the polymarker if type="none". The special values '\1', '\2', '\3', '\4', and '\5' stand for point, plus, asterisk, circle, and cross, which are prettier than text characters on output to some devices. The default marker is the next available capital letter: 'A', 'B', ..., 'Z'.
Plotting Commands: plg, plc
See Also: type, width, color, marks, rays, mspace, mphase, msize, mcolor

mspace = <float value>
mphase = <float value>
msize = <float value>

Select the spacing, phase, and size of occasional markers placed along polylines. The msize also selects polymarker size if type is "none". The spacing and phase are in NDC units (0.0013 NDC equals 1.0 point); the default mspace is 0.16, and the default mphase is 0.14, but mphase is automatically incremented for successive curves on a single plot. The msize is in relative units, with the default msize of 1.0 representing 10 points.
Plotting Commands: plg, plc
See Also: type, width, color, marks, marker, rays

mcolor = <color value>

The mcolor keyword is the same as the color keyword, but controls the marker color instead of the line color. Setting the color automatically sets the mcolor to the same value, so you only need to use mcolor if you want the markers for a curve to be a different color than the curve itself.
Plotting Commands: plg, plc
See Also: type, width, color, marks, marker, rays

rays = 0/1

Select unadorned lines (rays=0), or lines with occasional ray arrows (rays=1). Ignored if type is "none". The spacing and phase of the occasional arrows can be altered using the rspace and rphase keywords; the shape of the arrowhead can be modified using the arroww and arrowl keywords.
Plotting Commands: plg, plc
See Also: type, width, color, marker, marks, rspace, rphase, arroww, arrowl

closed = 0/1
smooth = 0/1/2/3/4

Select closed curves (closed=1) or default open curves (closed=0), or Bezier smoothing (smooth>0) or default piecewise linear curves (smooth=0). The value of smooth can be 1, 2, 3, or 4 to get successively more smoothing. Only the Bezier control points are plotted to an X window; the actual Bezier curves will show up in PostScript hardcopy files. Closed curves join correctly, which becomes more noticeable for wide lines; non-solid closed curves may look bad because the dashing pattern may be incommensurate with the length of the curve.
PLOTTING COMMANDS: plg, plc (smooth only)
SEE ALSO: type, width, color, marks, marker, rays

region = <region number>

Select the part of mesh to consider. The region should match one of the numbers in the ireg array. Putting region=0 (the default) means to plot the entire mesh; that is, everything EXCEPT region zero (non-existent zones). Any other number means to plot only the specified region number; region=3 would plot region 3 only.
Plotting Commands: plm, plc, plv, plf

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