The Scientific Graphics Library (SGLIB) generates plots for devices
that are compatible with the Tektronix 4014 or 4105 terminal classes.
It is rather loosely based on the PLOT-10/Advanced Graphics package
available from Tektronix, Inc. The enhancements include sensible axis
labeling, useful text display routines, error bars, true logarithmic
data handling, terminal dependent screen switches, and 3-D isometric
surface and contour plots.
The last update to SGLIB was made in July, 2001.
To use SGLIB:
$ LINK YourProgram,USR:[PLOT]SGLIB_NOSHR/OPT (non-shareable)
or $ LINK YourProgram,USR:[PLOT]SGLIB_SHR/OPT (shareable)
To link with newest version:
$ LINK YourProgram, TRBIN:[TRANSP.OBJ.LIB]sglib/lib
The PPPL Scientific Graphics library (SGLIB) is available on the VMS
cluster, and various UNIX workstations including DEC, SUN, and HP. The
terminals and terminal emulators supported include: Macintosh with
Versaterm or VersatermPRO, the XTERM X-windows terminal emulator, and
PPL's XTC 4014/4105 Tektronix emulator. Plots can be output to a
terminal only, to a disk file, or to a terminal with the option to save
to a file on a page by page basis. Plot files can be viewed on a
terminal via the XPLOT program, or printed on a laser printer or the
Tektronix color plotters. The VGDS routines permits routing individual
pages to remote devices.
Some pointers on how to use the VMS Help utility:
1) To print the entire file:
2) To see all the subtopics for a given topic, answer "*" at the prompt.
Changes made in 2001:
Option to convert tek to PS files.
See Output
Changes made in 2000:
Fortran 90 Interfaces to handle REAL*8 data.
See Precision_and_Real*8_Interface.
Changes made in 1997:
The XWDTH routine can now be used to allow more than 5 digits in the
X-axis tick labels without generating a remote exponent.
The sg library is written in default REAL precision.
Routines described are coded for REAL*4 floating point arguments.
To call a routine <name> instead with REAL*8 arguments, use R8_<name>.
fortran-90 codes can
use sglib_mod
which defines all described routines as generic subroutine names.
This means that if the compiler sees that the routine has REAL*4 arguments
it will call the usual subroutine, but, if the compiler sees REAL*8 arguments,
r8_<name> gets called. The compiler can also check that all arguments are of
the right type and all arrays of the correct rank.
To link with the shareable SGLIB, you must specify an option file (this
is required by the VMS LINK command). It is recommended that you
always link using an option file:
USR:[PLOT]SGLIB_NOSHR/OPT links to the standard non-shareable version
USR:[PLOT]SGLIB_SHR/OPT links to the standard shareable version
USR:[PLOT]SGNEW_NOSHR/OPT links to a pre-release of the next version
USR:[PLOT]SGNEW_SHR/OPT links to the shareable version of SGNEW
Examples (note switches):
LINK prog,my_sgsubs,USR:[PLOT]SGLIB_NOSHR/OPT,[]my_lib/lib
Other possibilities are:
USR:[PLOT]SGLIB/LIB links to the non-shareable
USR:[PLOT]SGLIB/OPT does the same thing as SGLIB_SHR/OPT
USR:[PLOT]SGLIB_OLD.OLB/LIB links to the previous version of SGLIB
If you link using SGLIB/LIB and call and VGDS routines, you should have
done DEFINE LNK$LIBRARY VAXCRTL to resolve the C run-time references.
If you have your own version of an SGLIB routine and link to the
shareable version, you get a warning message from the linker. If you
call the routine directly from your program your version is used; if
the routine is called by another SGLIB routine, SGLIB's version is
Due to a quirk of the VAX linker, when the total number of image
sections in your program becomes greater than 96, your program's EXE
file can balloon to a much larger size. The EXE contains zeros for
every word of uninitialized COMMON rather than just the size and a flag
to zero memory when you run. All the SG options files set this
parameter to a high number.
Many features of SGLIB can be controlled by logical variables set
before the program executes. Each of these is described elsewhere in
this help file, but they are collected here for reference.
PLOT output device/file
TERMINAL_TYPE terminal; eg, V550, MAC, etc.
TERMINAL_4105 YES for 4105 mode
NO or undefined for 4014
TERMINAL_DASH YES if hardware dashes and "point lines"
TERMINAL_INPUT device to be read for input
NONE for no input device
TT: for your "terminal" (e.g., DECterm window)
TERMINAL_RES 4096 for 4096 resolution
TERMINAL_TRAP NO to disable broadcast trapping
SG_DISK_BLOKS n to set disk buffer to n blocks
SG_TERM_BYTES n to set terminal buffer to n bytes
XPLOT$OUTPUT output device/file for XPLOT
Examples of definitions of PLOT:
DEFINE PLOT FOO.PLT output to file "FOO.PLT"
DEFINE PLOT ",FOO.PLT" output to screen and FOO.PLT
keeps the frame if you type "D" to UPAUSE
DEFINE PLOT XTC_MBX_0_username output to XTC window
where "username" is your user name
SGLIB is available on all the UNIX platforms at PPPL, and has been
exported to several other sites. The library is named "libsg.a" in
$NTCCHOME/lib, so you can link using:
f90 foo.f -L${NTCCHOME}/lib -lsg -ljc -lportlib
On SUNs you also need libsocket, so link:
f90 foo.f -L${NTCCHOME}/lib -lsg -ljc -lportlib -lsocket
Note: If your code needs double precision, include Fortran 90 module
in fortran source: USE SGLIB_MOD
compiler flags: -{I,M}${NTCCHOME}/mod
The VMS logical variables are replaced by UNIX environment variables,
setenv TERMINAL_TYPE xterm
setenv PLOT ',file.plt'
output to screen and file "file.plt"
if you type "d" to upause beep
setenv PLOT ',file.plt-ps'
output to screen and PS file "file.plt_ps"
if you type "d" to upause beep
setenv PLOT ',$WORK/file.plt'
setenv PLOT XTC_MBX_0_username
unsetenv PLOT
The environment variables that are supported are:
PLOT output device/file
TERMINAL_TYPE terminal; eg, V550, MAC, etc.
TERMINAL_4105 YES for 4105 mode
NO or undefined for 4014
TERMINAL_DASH YES if hardware dashes and "point lines"
TERMINAL_INPUT NONE for no input device
TERMINAL_RES 4096 for 4096 resolution
On UNIX systems, "TT" is NOT a synonym for your terminal; so you cannot
use "setenv PLOT TT". The UNIX version has all the same routines and
calling sequences with the following exceptions:
- UPAUSE must have an argument; change any instances of "CALL
- RINITT must have a single argument; the optional status code is
not allowed
- the VGDS routines don't do anything.
XPLOT is available to view plot files. If you want to copy a file to
another computer, send it in binary mode; e.g.:
ftp> binary
ftp> send name.plt
XTC is available on all these systems.
This section contains several program fragments that illustrate the use
of SGLIB routines to draw 2D plots. Most of these examples assume the
data is in two linear arrays; for other options see the Data_format
topic. You must call INITT to initiate a graphics sequence and FINITT
to end graphics. BINITT initializes all the common variables and
UPAUSE waits at the end of the page for you to type a character.
This program segment draws one curve, with grid, labeled ticks, and
axis labels.
CALL INITT(0) !open terminal, switch to graph screen
CALL BINITT !init plot options
CALL ERASE !erase screen
CALL NPTS(NXY) !set number of pts in X and Y
CALL CHECK(X,Y) !determine axis params
CALL DSPLAY(X,Y) !draw axes, ticks, and data curve
CALL AGTCHS('X axis') !put centered label below X axis
CALL AGTCVS('Y axis') !put centered label along Y axis
CALL UPAUSE(0) !beep and wait
CALL FINITT(0,0) !switch back to VT100 screen
This program segment shows how to modify the appearance of the axes,
tick marks, and tick labels, and select log scale:
CALL INITT(0) !open terminal, switch to graph screen
CALL BINITT !init plot options
CALL ERASE !erase the screen
!set screen window limits
CALL SLIMX(100,700) !range is (0,1023), default is (150,900)
CALL SLIMY(100,700) !range is (0,780), default is (125,700)
CALL DLIMX(DXMIN,DXMAX) !set data window limits
CALL DLIMY(DYMIN,DYMAX) ! (turns off auto-scaling)
!set axis "neatness", default=2
CALL XNEAT(0) !0=extend endpoints to data,
CALL YNEAT(0) ! 1=to a minor tick, 2=to a major tick
!set form of major ticks, default=5, 0=no axis
CALL XFRM(6) !1=no ticks, 2=ticks out, 3=ticks in
CALL YFRM(6) ! 4=ticks thru, 5=grid thru, 6=grid inside
!flag for linear or log scale, default=1
CALL XTYPE(1) !1=linear, 2=log
!set tick label frequency, default=1
CALL XLAB(2) !0=no label, 1=major ticks, 2=ends only
CALL NPTS(NXY) !number of points in X and Y
CALL DSPLAY(X,Y) !draw axes, ticks, and data curve
CALL FRAME !outline frame (all 4 axes lines)
CALL AGTCHS(XLABEL) !put label below X axis
CALL AGTCVS(YLABEL) !put label along Y axis
CALL AGTCGT(0,TITLE) !put title above frame
CALL UPAUSE(0) !beep and wait
CALL FINITT(0,0) !switch back to VT100 screen
This program segment shows how to draw several curves within the same
frame, each with a different line type and symbol:
INTEGER LTYPE(4) /0,1,2,3/
INTEGER LSYMB(4) /2,4,6,8/
CALL INITT(0) !open terminal, switch to graph screen
CALL BINITT !init plot options
CALL ERASE !erase the screen
CALL SLIMX(100,700) !set screen window
CALL SLIMY(100,700)
CALL DLIMX(DXMIN,DXMAX) !set data limits
CALL DLIMY(DYMIN,DYMAX) ! (min/max of all 4 curves)
CALL SIZES(1.24) !scale factor for symbols
CALL STEPS(10) !put symbol only every nth point
CALL AGDSPL(X,Y) !draw axes and ticks
DO I=1,4
!set line style, default=0
CALL LINE(LTYPE(I)) !0=solid, 1=dots, 2=dotdash, 3=dash
! 4=long dash, 5-8=terminal dependent
! -1=nothing, -4=point, -5=marker(4105)
!set symbol, default=0
CALL SYMBL(LSYMB(I)) !0=none, 1=circle, 2=X, 3=triangle
! 4=square, 5=star, 6=diamond, 7=bar
! 8=cross, 9=uparrow, 10=downarrow, 11=del
CALL CPLOT(X(1,I),Y(1,I)) !draw curve
CALL AGTCHS(XLABEL) !put label below X axis
CALL AGTCVS(YLABEL) !put label along Y axis
CALL AGTCGT(0,TITLE) !put title above frame
CALL UPAUSE(0) !beep and wait
CALL FINITT(0,0) !switch back to VT100 screen
If the value of the argument to LINE is >= 10, it must be an integer of
2 or 4 digits that defines a dash pattern; see Lines/Dashes topic. To
put an ASCII character as a symbol use:
CALL SYMBL(ICHAR('A')) !put symbol A
The default is to draw axis lines and tick marks on the left and bottom
only; this program segment draws axes with ticks on the right and top
CALL INITT(0) !open terminal, switch to graph screen
CALL BINITT !init plot options
CALL ERASE !erase the screen
CALL SLIMX(100,700) !set screen window limits
CALL SLIMY(100,700)
<various parameter setting routines>
CALL DSPLAY(X,Y) !draw axes, ticks, and data curve
CALL AGTCHS(XLABEL) !put label below X axis
CALL AGTCVS(YLABEL) !put label along Y axis
CALL AGTCGT(0,TITLE) !put title above frame
CALL XLOCTP(0) !position to top,right of frame
CALL XLAB(0) !no tick labels
CALL GRID !draw axes, ticks for top, right
CALL UPAUSE(0) !beep and wait
CALL FINITT(0,0) !switch back to VT100 screen
If your program is generating 4105 mode output, you specify the color
of curves, grid, and text with:
CALL AGCCURV(kolor) !set color for curves
CALL AGCGRID(kolor) !set color for grid/axes
CALL AGCTEXT(kolor) !set color for labels/title
where "kolor" is 0 for white (no line), 1 for black, 2 for red, 3 for
green, 4 for blue, 5 for cyan, 6 for magenta, and 7 for yellow. These
should be called between BINITT and DSPLAY/CPLOT. They set the color
for curves, symbols, error bars, contours, and isometrics. If these
subroutines are executed in a program that is generating 4014 output,
they are ignored.
Not available yet.
To position the cursor anywhere on the screen (including outside the
graph window) and draw a symbol, e.g. for a legend:
This program segment draws a curve with error bars:
CALL INITT(0) !open terminal, switch to graph screen
CALL BINITT !init plot options
CALL ERASE !erase screen
CALL NPTS(NXY) !set number of pts in X and Y
CALL LINE(-1) !no line
CALL SYMBL(6) !diamonds
CALL CHECK(X,Y) !determine axis params
CALL DSPLAY(X,Y) !draw axes, ticks, and data curve
CALL AGEYA(X,Y,SIGMA) !error bars in Y
CALL AGTCGT(0,'Title') !put title above frame
CALL UPAUSE(0) !beep and wait
CALL FINITT(0,0) !switch back to VT100 screen
Data arrays supplied as arguments to routines such as CHECK and CPLOT
can be in one of 4 formats:
a) The data is in consecutive locations of a REAL*4 array. To use
this form, you must call NPTS to specify the number of points to use in
each array:
XAR(I+1) = I
CALL NPTS(NXY) !X and Y are non-standard
If you call NPTS, both the X and Y arrays must be in this form.
b) Long form: The first word of the REAL*4 array contains the number
of points and the data is in the following consecutive locations:
XAR(1)=30. !X and Y are long form
YAR(1)=30. !number of points
XAR(I) = I-1
If one of your arrays is in this form, the other can be type (c).
c) Short form: The first word of the REAL*4 array is -1.; the second
word is the number of data points, the third is the first value, the
fourth is the increment.
XAR(1) = -1. !X data is short form
XAR(2) = 30. !number of points
XAR(3) = 1. !start
XAR(4) = 1. !delta
YAR(1) = 30. !Y data is long form
d) Base X: This is a short form for the X data when the Y data is
non-standard. The first word of the X array is the number of data
points, the third is the first value, the fourth is the increment.
XAR(1) = 30.
XAR(2) = 1. !start
XAR(3) = 1. !delta
CALL AGBASX(1) !X data is base-X form
This section describes how to write programs that loop, generating
multiple plots. If you do not need to return to the alpha (VT100)
screen or change output device(s), use:
CALL INITT(0) !open terminal, switch to graphics
- loop from here -
CALL BINITT !initialize frame (no output)
CALL UPAUSE(0) !beep, wait for input, no erase
- down to here -
CALL FINITT(0,0) !to alpha screen
If you want screen switches between each page so you can do
non-graphics dialog, use:
- loop from here -
- non-graphics I/O -
CALL INITT(0) !open terminal, switch to graphics
CALL UPAUSE(0) !beep, wait for input, no erase
CALL FINITT(0,0) !to alpha screen
- down to here -
If you want to do VT100 dialog in the middle of a plot page, use:
CALL INITT(0) !open terminal, switch to graphics
CALL BINITT !init frame
CALL UPAUSE(0) !beep, wait for input, no erase
CALL AGSALF !to alpha
- non-graphics I/O -
CALL AGSGRF !to graphics
- more graphics -
CALL FINITT(0,0) !to alpha screen
If you are using RINITT, use:
Not available yet.
If you are using VGDS, use:
- loop from here -
CALL AGVGDS(DEST_LIST) !define output device(s)
CALL INITT(0) !to graphics screen
CALL UPAUSE(0) !beep, wait, input, no erase
CALL FINITT(0,0) !to alpha screen
CALL AGVSEND(IERR) !send page to destinations
- down to here -
These lists contain most of the SGLIB routines you might want to call
with their calling arguments. Subtopics explain some of the more
complicated routines. To see how to order these in a program see the
Using_2D_Routines topic. The routines are in 3 sections, based on the
"level" you are at; the lists are alphabetical within each section.
These routines can be called anytime between INITT and FINITT.
Locations given below as IX,IY are in screen coordinates (pixels) where
0<=IX<=1023 and 0<IY<=780 unless you have set 4096 mode.
INITT(KRASE) !switch to Tek screen; erase if KRASE>0
AGCTEXT(KOLOR) !set color for subsequent text (see LINCLR)
AGPNCLR(KOLOR) !set panel color
AGSALF !switch to VT100 (alpha) screen
AGSGRF !switch to Tek (graph) screen
AGTMHS(IX,IY,CSTR[,LEN]) !move to IX,IY and output string horizontal
AGTMRS(IX,IY,IROT,CSTR,[,LEN]) !IROT: 0=horiz, 90=up, 270=down
AGTMVS(IX,IY,CSTR[,LEN]) !move to IX,IY and output string vertical
AGTHS(CSTR[,LEN]) !output character string horizontal
AGTRS(IROT,CSTR,[,LEN]) !IROT: 0=horizontal, 90=up, 270=down
AGTVS(CSTR[,LEN]) !output character string vertical
ANMODE !end vector sequence and call TSEND
BEGPNL(IX,IY,IBOUND) !begin panel at IX,IY (4105)
BELL !output a bell
CHRSIZ(KSIZE) !set char size: 1=default, 2=94%, 3=62%, 4=55%
CSIZE(IHORZ,IVERT) !return size of one character in pixels
DSHABS(IX,IY,LINE) !dash line to IX,IY
DSHREL(IX,IY,LINE) !dash line to cursor loc + IX,IY
DRWABS(IX,IY) !draw to IX,IY
DRWREL(IX,IY) !draw to cursor loc + IX,IY
ENDPNL !end panel (4105)
ERASE !clear the screen, start new page
IAGHRES(IXY) !(fnc) convert screen coord to 4096 resolution
IAGLRES(IXY) !(fnc) convert screen coord to 1024 resolution
LINCLR(KOLOR) !set line color
!0=black, 1=white, 2=red, 3=green, 4=blue, 6=magenta, 7=yellow
LINWDT(NUMCHR) !(fnc) return pixel width of NUMCHR chars
LINHGT(NUMLIN) !(fnc) return pixel height of NUMLIN lines
MOVABS(IX,IY) !move to IX,IY
MOVREL(IX,IY) !move to cursor loc + IX,IY
NEWPAG !clear the screen, start new page
PLACE(LOC) !set screen window limits to preset size
!1=STD, 2=UPH, 3=LOH, 4=UL4, 5=UR4, 6=LL4, 7=LR4,
!8=UL6, 9=UC6, 10=UR6, 11=LL6, 12=LC6, 13=LR6
PNTABS(IX,IY) !draw point at IX,IY
PNTREL(IX,IY) !draw point at cursor loc + IX,IY
REVCOT(IX,IY,X,Y) !convert screen location IX,IY to data point X,Y
SCURSR(KCHAR,IX,IY) !output crosshairs, read typed char and loc
SEELOC(IX,IY) !return current location
SEEDW(XMIN,XMAX,YMIN,YMAX) !return data min/max
SEETW(MINX,MAXX,MINY,MAXY) !return screen min/max
SETCLP(IVALUE) !0 to enable clipping, 1 to disable
SETWIN !substitute for CHECK in some cases
SIZES(SYMSIZ) !set symbol scale factor
SLIMX(IXMIN,IXMAX) !set window limits in screen units
SLIMY(IYMIN,IYMAX) !set window limits in screen units
SYMOUT(ISYM,SCALE) !ouput symbol ISYM at current location
TERM(KDASH,KRES) !KDASH=3 for hardware dashes, 2 for software
!KRES=1024 for normal screen, 4096 for high resolution
TINPUT(KCHAR) !input (integer*4) KCHAR
TOUTPT(KCHAR) !output (integer*4) KCHAR
UPAUSE(KRASE,[KCHAR]) !wait for input, clear screen if KRASE>0
! if present, KCHAR=(integer*4) input
VCURSR(KCHAR,X,Y) !output crosshairs, read typed char and loc
WINCOT(X,Y,IX,IY) !convert data point X,Y to screen location IX,IY
FINITT(0,0) !switch to VT100 screen
These routines are called between BINITT and CHECK. None of these
routines do any output. The list shows the routines that affect the X
axis; for each there is a corresponding routine for the Y axis:
BINITT !init all parameters for CHECK/DSPLAY
AGCCURV(KOLOR) !set color for all CPLOT curves
AGCGRID(KOLOR) !set color for grid and ticks
!ignore values <=0 if LLOG=.TRUE.
DINITX !init X params
DLIMX(DMIN,DMAX) !set window limits in data units
LINE(KLINE) !line type for CPLOT
HBARST(ISHADE,IWBAR,IDBAR) !set line type to horizontal bars
NPTS(KPTS) !number of points in XAR,YAR
SLIMX(MINS,MAXS) !set window limits in screen units
SIZES(FACTOR) !scale factor for symbols
STEPL(KSTEPL) !step between data points
STEPS(KSTEPS) !data point step between symbols
SYMBL(KSYM) !set symbol for CPLOT
SYMOUT(KSYM,FACTOR) !output any symbol at current location
TEKSYM(KSYM,FACTOR) !output Tektronix symbol (KSYM=1-11)
VBARST(ISHADE,IWBAR,IDBAR) !set line type to vertical bars
XFRM(KFORM) !tick form: 0=no axis or ticks, 1=no ticks
!2=ticks out, 3=ticks in, 4=ticks thru
!5=grid lines thru to ticks, 6=grid lines inside
XLAB(KLABEL) !tick labels: 0=none, 1=on major ticks
!2=on end ticks only
XLEN(NPIX) !length of major ticks
XLOC(IX) !set axis location to left edge + IX
XLOCRT(IX) !set axis location to right edge + IX
YLOCTP(IY) !set axis location to top edge + IX
XMFRM(KFORM) !form of minor ticks
XMTCS(NMINX) !set number of minor intervals
XNEAT(KNEAT) !tick neatness: 0=endpoints at data limits,
!1=extend to minor tick, 2=extend to major tick
XTICS(NMAJOR) !override auto tick intervals
XTYPE(LINLOG) !axis type: 1=linear, 2=log
XWDTH(KWID) !max number of chars in tick label
!if > 5, max chars with no remote exponent
XZERO(KZERO) !0=force axis to include 0, 1=don't
CHECK(XARY,YARY) !finish parameter setup
These routines must be called after CHECK:
AGDSPL(XARY,YARY) !draw axes, ticks
AGEXA(XARY,YARY,SIGMA) !draw horizontal error bars
AGEYA(XARY,YARY,SIGMA) !draw vertical error bars
AGEXS(X,Y,SIGMA) !draw horizontal error at X,Y
AGEYS(X,Y,SIGMA) !draw vertical error at X,Y
AGEXSR(X,Y,SIGLO,SIGHI) !draw unequal length horiz error at X,Y
AGEYSR(X,Y,SIGLO,SIGHI) !draw unequal vert error at X,Y
AGTCGT(IY,CSTR,LEN) !output string centered above frame
AGTCHS(CSTR,LEN) !output string centered below X axis
AGTCVS(CSTR,LEN) !output string centered beside Y axis
BSYMS(X,Y,ISYM) !draw symbol at location X,Y
CPLOT(XARY,YARY) !draw one curve
DASHA(X,Y,LINE) !dash line to X,Y
DASHR(X,Y,LINE) !dash line to current loc + X,Y
DSPLAY(XARY,YARY) !draw axes, ticks, and one curve
DRAWA(X,Y) !draw to X,Y
DRAWR(X,Y) !draw to current loc + X,Y
FRAME !draw frame (box) around screen window
MOVEA(X,Y) !move to X,Y
MOVER(X,Y) !move to current loc + X,Y
POINTA(X,Y) !draw point at X,Y
These routines are called before INITT:
AGVGDS !set VGDS destination list
RINITT(dest) !set non-VGDS destination(s)
The CSTR argument to the AGT (text) routines is a character variable;
the LEN argument is optional. The number of characters output is
determined by: (1) if LEN is present and non-zero, the length is LEN;
(2) if CSTR has a '$', the length is the portion before the '$'; (3)
otherwise it is the length of the character variable or constant. On
return the cursor is in position for the next character. In the title
routine, if IY=0, CSTR is output 15 screen units above the frame,
otherwise CSTR is output at IY.
The angle IROT must be 0 (horizontal), 90 (heading up), 180 (upside
down), or 270 (heading down).
INITT opens output device(s); for output to a terminal it switches the
terminal to the graphics screen. It outputs device initialization
commands such as the character size, and the color map for 4105 mode.
It also resets terminal related internal parameters. If the argument
is greater than zero, it erases the page. The output stream(s) opened
a) if AGVGDS was called, output goes to the VGDS device(s)
b) if PLOT can be translated, output goes to those device(s)
c) output goes to SYS$OUTPUT
FINITT switches back to the alpha (VT100) screen and dumps all output
AGFCLOS(' ') closes any open plot disk file and deletes it if its
length is less than 10 bytes, avoiding accumulation of "empty" files.
AGFCLOS(filename), where "filename" is a character variable, closes the
file and returns the full path name of the file. If the file is empty,
AGFCLOS returns blanks.
AGQFILE(filename,jobname,note,quename,delete flag,error code) submits
the file "filename" to the print queue "quename". The flag (header)
page on the QMS laser printer displays "jobname"; the flag page on the
Telaris laser printer displays both "jobname" and "note". If
"delete flag" is .true., the file is deleted after it is printed.
"error code" returns the VMS error from the submit (1=success). To
close the plot file and print it from within your program:
. . .
> .FALSE.,IERR)!dont delete file
..<handle error>
UPAUSE rings the bell and calls TINPUT which creates a pause until you
type a character.
a) If the typed character is "C", it calls HDCOPY.
b) If there is an optional disk or VGDS file open, it keeps the frame
in the file if the typed character matches your "keep" character or
discards the frame if it doesn't match.
If the KRASE argument is omitted or has a value of 1, it erases the
screen. The UPAUCH routine returns the character typed while in UPAUSE
as the low byte of the I*4 variable.
AGFKEEP is the routine that UPAUSE calls to keep or discard the present
frame in an optional disk file. When an optional file is open, each
frame is written. Thus AGFKEEP "keeps" the frame by doing nothing; it
discards the frame by truncating the file back to the beginning of the
keeps the frame if the argument "x" matches the /KEEP character, or if
it doesn't match the /NOKEEP character. If you call AGFKEEP before
calling UPAUSE, the AGFKEEP argument is used and what you type to
UPAUSE is ignored.
SGLIB buffers output to provide faster execution times. The buffer is
dumped when you call FINITT, UPAUSE, ANMODE, TINPUT, or AGSALF. If you
need to flush the buffer at any other time, call one of these routines
or call TSEND.
You can draw horizontal and vertical bar charts. To select bar chart
format, somewhere between BINITT and DSPLAY/CPLOT:
ISHADE specifies the shading pattern; 0<=ISHADE<=15 (see below)
IWBAR is the width of the bar in raster units;if 0,
uses default of 40
IDBAR is the distance between the shading lines; if 0,
uses default of 20
Values for ISHADE can be:
0 no pattern
1 horizontal lines
2 vertical lines
4 diagonal lines low to high
8 diagonal lines high to low
Other values of ISHADE overlay these basic patterns. For example,
3=1+2 gives a square crosshatch; 12=4+8 gives a diagonal cross hatch.
VBARST and HBARST call XFRM(0) and YFRM(0) to suppress drawing grid
lines inside the graph window to avoid confusion, so if you want grid
lines, call XFRM/YFRM after VBARST/HBARST.
To draw a piece of a bar anywhere on the screen; e.g., for a legend:
where IXMIN/IYMIN/IXMAX/IYMAX define the rectangle in raster units,
ISHADE is the shading type (as above) and LSPACE is the distance
between shading lines in raster units (0 uses default).
The data format of the XARY, YARY, and SIGMA points is the same as for
DSPLAY or CPLOT; you can call NPTS to set the length of the arrays, set
the first element of the array to the number of points, or set the
first element (of the X array) to -1 for short form. Each error bar is
drawn from X-SIGMA to X+SIGMA or Y-SIGMA to Y+SIGMA. The increment
between data points where error bars are drawn is set by STEPL. Error
bars are subject to clipping. If you have called SYMB(ISYMB), a symbol
is drawn at each X,Y point in addition to the error bar.
Most of the terminals used at PPL (V550, MAC, VT240) have two separate
displays: a VT100 compatible alphanumerics screen and a Tektronix 4014
and/or 4105 compatible graphics screen. Special control sequences,
which are slightly different for the different terminal types, are
needed to switch from one screen to the other. So that SGLIB can tell
what kind of terminal you have, you must invoke the procedure
@USR:[COM]TERMLOG either in your LOGIN.COM file or directly from your
terminal, to set the logical variable TERMINAL_TYPE.
$ @USR:[COM]TERMLOG asks you for the terminal type
$ @USR:[COM]TERMLOG xx sets the type to "xx"
You can check the value of TERMINAL_TYPE by the "SHOW LOGICAL
TERMINAL_TYPE" command. It should be one of the following:
TERMINAL_TYPE terminal description
------------- --------------------
TK4014 Tektronix 4014
TK4107 Tektronix 4107
V550 Visual 550, ModGraph
MAC Macintosh with Versaterm[PRO]
VT240 DEC VT240
XTERM X-windows VT100/4014 emulator
XTC PPPL X-windows program to buffer, display, and print
Tektronix graphics
The following routines generate screen switches:
INITT switch to graphics, among other things
FINITT switch to alpha, among other things
AGSGRF switch to graphics
AGSALF switch to alpha
If you are outputting both to your terminal and a disk file, the
control sequences are output only to the terminal.
Not all terminals emulate the Tektronix 4014 in quite the same way.
There are slight differences in the hardware dashes for dash line types
1-4. A Tektronix 4014 is supposed to have 4 characters sizes with 1
the largest and 4 the smallest; however, the V550 and VT240 have only 2
(sizes 1 and 2 are big, 3 and 4 are small), the ADM and Tektronix 4025
have only 1. Also the Tektronix 4025 does not support GIN input. The
V550 keyboard, including the Enter key, is disabled when the GIN
crosshairs are showing.
If you are using a Macintosh with Versaterm or VersatermPRO, there are
option settings that must be as described below for things to work
properly. For VersatermPRO:
*-under the Settings menu, the Extras... topic, the "Auto 4014 Entry"
box must be checked.
*-under the Emulation menu with "Tek 4014" selected, "Enabled Dialog"
must be checked.
*-under the Emulation menu with "Tek 4105" selected, "Enabled Dialog"
must be checked.
*-with "Tek 4014" selected under the Emulation menu, "Graphic Input"
should have both "Mouse click" and "GIN terminator" set to "". *-with
"Tek 4014" selected, the first screen you get when with the Page
Setup... topic of the File menu should have "High Resolution Graphics"
and "Chooser Print Driver"; if you are connected to a Laserwriter, the
second Page Setup screen should have 25% reduction and landscape (man
horizontal) orientation.
For Versaterm: *-under the Settings menu, the Extras... topic, the
"Auto 4014 Entry" box must be checked.
*-under the Emulation menu with "Tek 4014" selected, "Enabled Dialog"
must be checked. *-with "Tek 4014" selected under the Emulation menu,
the first screen you get when with the Page Setup... topic of the File
menu should have "Chooser Print Driver"; if you are connected to a
Laserwriter, the second Page Setup screen should have portrait (man
vertical) orientation.
The changes that need to be made from the ModGraph power-on defaults
*-Under the Display (keypad 2) menu, change "Screen Control" to "auto".
*-Under the Graphics (keypad 4) menu, change "Status Terminator" to
PPL extensions to SGLIB permit you to route plot output to your
terminal, a disk file, both terminal and a file, or a VGDS device list.
The precedence is: (1) if the program calls AGVGDS, output is sent to
that destination list; (2) if the program calls RINITT, output is sent
to those device(s); (3) if you have defined logical variable PLOT
before executing the program, output is sent there; (4) otherwise
output is to SYS$OUTPUT, which is your terminal if you are running
interactively. A file must have extension .PLT if you want to print it
on one of the laser printers. A file containing 4105 output should
have extension .4105; INITT changes the file extension from .PLT to
.4105 if you are in 4105 mode. You can call AGVGDS or RINITT at the
beginning of each plot sequence to change the output destination if you
When going to terminal and disk, or to VGDS, you can select which
screens are saved and which are discarded. If your output is defined
(via logical PLOT or RINITT) to be both your terminal and a disk file,
the program must call UPAUSE at the end of each frame to determine, on
the basis of the character typed at the UPAUSE wait, whether to "send"
the frame to the disk file or not. The /KEEP (/NOKEEP) switch on the
file name specifies what character is cause a frame to be saved or not
saved. Alternately the program can call AGFKEEP to simulate the user
typing a character.
DEFINE PLOT FOO.PLT output to file "FOO.PLT"
DEFINE PLOT ",FOO.PLT" output to screen and FOO.PLT
keeps the frame only if you type D to UPAUSE
i.e., /KEEP=D
DEFINE PLOT "FOO.PLT/PS," output to screen and
post script file FOO.PS
DEFINE PLOT ",FOO.PLT/KEEP=x" output to screen and FOO.PLT
keeps the frame only if you type "x" to UPAUSE
keeps the frame unless you type "x" to UPAUSE
keeps the fram only if you type CR
keeps the frame unless you type CR
Unix Syntax:
substitute "/" with "-"
e.g. setenv PLOT "foo.plt-ps,"
RINITT changes the output destination; it should be called before
INITT. (RINITT defines the output stream(s), but INITT actually opens
CALL RINITT(destination)
The "destination" is a character string with a file specification or a
logical variable; "TT" is your terminal. If you specify the same file
name in successive RINITT calls, a new version of the file is created.
The AGVGDS/AGVSEND subroutines let you send individual plot frames to
the display screens in the TFTR/PBX control rooms, the laser printers,
disk files, and/or your own terminal, from an SGLIB program. You call
AGVGDS to provide a destination list containing one or more of these
devices. If the list has any devices other than your terminal, SGLIB
creates a temporary file to hold the plot. AGVSEND "sends" the frame
by copying the temporary file to your disk file, queueing it to your
printer, and/or queueing it to the VGDS server for a control room
display screen.
In addition to returning a status code to your program, the VGDS
routines output a one-line message to SYS$OUTPUT (your terminal or log
file) for any error condition. For frames sent to a display screen or
printer, a message is also output if the frame is successfully queued:
Queued to xxx frame sent to printer
Entry nn frame sent to VGDS server
The Subroutines subtopic describes the subroutines and their arguments,
and shows sample program segments. Destinations describes the devices
and switches in a destination list, and the use of logical variables.
The Errors subtopic lists various error conditions you might encounter.
For more information on the VGDS utilities and server, see HELP VGDS.
The following program segment shows the use of the VGDS routines for a
batch job that would use logical variables to define the output
CHARACTER*32 DNAME !for device name from AGVERR
!start of plot
!DEST_LIST is defined outside the program
IF (NGOOD.EQ.0) <bypass all plot code>
CALL INITT(240) !generate screen clear (non-0 arg)
!end of frame
CALL UPAUSE(0) !0 suppresses screen clear
CALL FINITT(0,0) !do screen switch to VT100
CALL AGVSEND(IERR) !send frame to device list
!have at least one error, find out more
IDNO = 1
!get individual device name, type, status
!if error, output info to sys$output
WRITE(*,'(2X,A,I2,A)') 'Device type ',ITYPE,' for '//DNAME
AGVGDS is called before INITT. It has either 1 or 2 arguments. The
first is required; it is a character constant or variable that supplies
the destination list. The string can contain the device list or a
logical variable that translates to the list. The completely
translated list can specify up to 6 devices. (See the Destinations
subtopic for more about the destination list.) If the string is blank
(or translates to a blank), SGLIB acts as if AGVGDS had not been called
and uses logical variable PLOT or SYS$OUTPUT to determine the output
The second argument is optional; it is an integer variable that returns
the number of devices in the list that have no initial error condition
and are not the null device. This allows batch jobs that set a logical
variable to NL: to "turn off" plot output to bypass the entire graphics
sequence. AGVGDS does as much checking about the devices as possible.
If it finds an error, it outputs a message (obtained from SYS$GETMSG)
to your terminal or log file, and saves the error code to return to
your program via AGVERR. If there is at least one valid device that is
a disk file, printer, or display screen, AGVGDS creates a temporary
file in VGDS_SCRATCH (a system logical) so that the plot you generate
is stored in this file.
Examples of calls to AGVGDS:
(1) DESTS = 'ES10,RL0'
where outside your program you have defined
AGVSEND is called after FINITT. It "sends" the frame to each valid
device in the list. The integer argument returns a status code that is
1 (SS$_NORMAL) if output to all devices was successful; otherwise it is
the status code for the last device that had an error. As with any VMS
status code in a Fortran program, although it is an integer variable
you can treat it as either integer or logical. Fortran variables are
TRUE if they are odd (low order bit set), and FALSE if they are even.
All VMS system services return an odd status code for success, and an
even value for failure.
For output to a display screen, AGVSEND "queues" the temporary file to
the VGDS server on the node that "owns" the screen; the server outputs
the plot frame to the screen and deletes the temporary file when it is
no longer needed. While the frame is showing on the display screen,
you can obtain a copy on a printer, on your terminal, or to a disk file
(See HELP VGDS). For output to a printer, AGVSEND queues the temporary
file to the printer with the "delete when printed" switch. For output
to a disk file, AGVSEND copies the temporary file to the specified file
name. If you specify append mode (/APP) and the file already exists,
the frame is appended; otherwise a new file is created.
The AGVERR subroutine can be called after AGVSEND to get more
information about the destination list and the error associated with
each device. Its input arguments are the device number, IDNO (1-6);
its outputs are the total number of devices, the actual name for device
number IDNO after all translations, its device type, and the VMS status
code. The device types are: 0 = invalid; 1 = disk file; 2 = terminal;
3 = printer queue; 4 = display screen; 5 = null device.
INITT generates both a screen initialization sequence (resets the
character size, etc.) and a screen clear. You could achieve the same
thing by calling INITT(0), then ERASE or NEWPAG. If you want to send
the frame to a VGDS display screen, which is a dumb terminal, you must
be careful to have the screen clear/initialize at the beginning, and
not call ERASE or NEWPAG before the end of the frame.
You provide the destination device(s) via a character argument to
subroutine AGVGDS. This is a text string specifying devices, and/or
logical names that translate to devices, separated by commas. Possible
destinations are:
FIDDLE.PLT disk file "fiddle.plt"; the default directory is where you
are running the program; each frame creates a new version
FID.PLT/APP disk file "fid.plt"; each new frame appended to the file;
a new file is created if none exists
HS04 display screen HS04 in the TFTR control room
DL0 the DL0 laser printer
SYS$OUTPUT your terminal for interactive jobs; undefined for batch
TT your terminal for interactive jobs; null device for batch
The display screens in the TFTR control room have (logical) names HS00
through HS16. The PBX control room screens are ES01 through ES20. You
can send to any printer queue that you can PRINT to. Frames sent to a
printer have a flag page with your name, and a file name of xxx.PLT
(where "xxx" is your job's process id number in hexadecimal).
There are two switches that apply to output devices:
/APP set append mode (disk files only)
/KEEP=x set keep character to "x"
When you execute your program interactively, the /KEEP switch causes
the plot to be displayed on your terminal as it is generated. The
frame is sent to the device only if the character you type at the
UPAUSE beep matches the keep character. For example, /KEEP=D sets the
keep character to "D". Every time you type "D" or "d" to UPAUSE, the
frame is sent; when you type any other character it is not sent. If
you use /KEEP (no "=x"), the keep character is CR (carriage return).
/NOKEEP=x sends the frame if you type anything except "x". The
character match is case insensitive (k is the same as K). If a batch
job uses this switch, the frame is always sent for /KEEP=x and never
sent for /NOKEEP=x.
AGVGDS does a multi-level, multi-index, translation of the character
string. This means it translates each (comma separated) piece of the
string repetitively. If you do CALL AGVGDS('VGDS',NGOOD), the
following definitions would both result is a destination list of ES10
and RL0:
The errors you can get from the VGDS routines include:
%RMS-F-FNM, error in file name
The name of the output plot file is invalid.
%SYSTEM-F-TOOMANYLNAM, logical name translation exceeded allowed
A logical variable is probably defined recursively ($DEFINE ABC XYZ
%RMS-F-SYN, file specification syntax error
This is really a catch-all error. AGVGDS couldn't figure out what
the device is.
%SYSTEM-F-NOTFILEDEV, device is not file structured
The device is not supported; e.g., a terminal that is not your own.
%SYSTEM-F-NOSUCHOBJ, network object is unknown at remote node
A device that includes a node specification is not supported.
%SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHDEV, no such device available
Most likely, this is an invalid disk in a file specification.
%RMS-E-PRV, insufficient privilege or file protection violation
A disk file specifies a directory that you can't write to.
%FOR-F-INCRECTYP, inconsistent record type
A disk file in append mode is not a plot file.
%RMS-E-CRE, ACP file create failed
An output plot file has an invalid node specification.
%VGDS-E-OFFLINE, Device is offline and unavailable
The display screen has a hardware problem and has been set offline.
You get both the "Entry nn" message and the error message from
AGVSEND to your terminal or log file.
For a description of all possible errors from the routine that
communicates with the VGDS server see HELP VGDS CONDITION_CODES.
The basic curve drawing routine CPLOT is the "fast" version developed
at PPL. When consecutive Y values evaluate to the same Y screen
coordinate, a single line is drawn connecting the first to the last
rather than individual lines connecting each pair of points. The
"fast" algorithm is used ONLY when there are no symbols and you are
drawing a solid line (not dashed or dotted). Execution is even faster
with no clipping (CALL AGNCLP). With clipping on, only the portion of
any vector that is within your data/screen window is plotted.
CALL AGNCLP !plot data outside window
CALL AGCLIP !clip data outside window
With clipping off, any coordinate that goes "off the screen" is set the
physical screen limit, which can misrepresent data.
TINPUT reads one character from logical device SYS$COMMAND.
SYS$COMMAND is the batch control file for a batch job or a .COM file,
or your terminal if you are running interactively. If TINPUT gets an
end-of-file error while reading from a disk file, it assumes an input
character of one blank.
If you want to run from a command file, and have TINPUT read from the
file rather than your terminal, use
The routines to read the cursor location on the screen (GIN mode input)
CALL SCURSR(ICH,IX,IY) !read cursor location and input character
CALL VCURSR(ICH,X,Y) !read virtual cursor and input character
CALL AGSCUR(CCH,IX,IY) !read cursor location and input character
CALL AGVCUR(CCH,X,Y) !read virtual cursor and input character
IX,IY are X,Y coordinates of cursor in screen units
X,Y are X,Y coordinates of cursor in virtual units
ICH is typed character as an integer
CCH is typed character as a character
The type-ahead buffer is purged by the get-cursor routines before
TINPUT is called.
This is a quick reference of the integer codes for the line, symbol,
and color routines.
The argument to subroutine LINE sets the line (dash) type to be used
for subsequent curves. The dash patterns can be created by the SGLIB
software or by the physical output device depending on the setting of
logical variable TERMINAL_DASH. For software generated line patterns:
----- -------
-5 put a marker at each data point (4105 mode)
-4 put a point at each data point
-1 no line (move only)
0 solid line
1 dots
2 dot dash
3 dashes
4 long dashes
5-7 dots
>10 software dash
You can output a symbol at every point or every nth point of a line.
The symbol codes are:
4014 41xx
---- ----
0 no symbol dot
1 circle small plus
2 X larger plus
3 triangle
4 square circle
5 star X
6 diamond square
7 vertical bar
8 cross
9 up arrow
10 down arrow
11 del
12 circle MacCircle
13 circle with plus inside
14 square with X inside
15 diamond with plus inside
33-127 ASCII character (33=A)
To scale the symbol to size
where SCALE=1. is the default; SCALE>1. makes it bigger.
To draw a symbol only every nth point
where ISTEP=number of data points between symbols, ISTART=offset to first
A software dash pattern is an integer of 2 or 4 digits where each
(decimal) digit is interpreted as:
----- -------
1 draw line for 5 raster units
2 move 5 raster units
3 draw line for 10 raster units
4 move 10 raster units
5 draw line for 25 raster units
6 move 25 raster units
7 draw line for 50 raster units
8 move 50 raster units
For example, CALL LINE(3454) would create a line pattern with: 10
units visible, 10 units blank, 25 units visible, 10 units blank. Each
curve drawn after this call would consist of lines of this pattern.
You can specify that dash line types 1-7 be either hardware or software
generated, by setting logical name TERMINAL_DASH. For hardware
generated lines, SGLIB outputs a line type code, then draws a solid
line; the output device must know how to interpret the code to draw
this as a dashed (or color) line. The QMS laser printer does a poor
job of generating dashed lines.
To enable hardware dash lines:
To turn this off:
This is what you get from various "devices" for hardware dash patterns
code laser/V550 Mac line Mac color
---- ---------- -------- ---------
1 dots dots green
2 dot-dash dash red
3 dash long dots yellow
4 long dash long dash blue
5 solid space dot cyan
6 solid dot dash magenta
7 solid solid black
If you want the colors to be in the same order as the 4014 table in
VersatermPro, order the table numbers as: 7,2,1,4,5,6,3. The line
type does not affect the axes or symbols; these are always solid black.
When a marker line is selected (LINE(-5) in 41xx mode), the marker type
is set by calling SYMBL.
Because we have retained the original calling sequences of the PLOT-10
routines, which have no provision for error returns, there is a
question of what to do upon encountering error conditions in SGLIB.
The current philosophy is to halt the program (with an error message
followed by a Fortran STOP) if certain errors occur. The following
list gives various error situations and what the library does for each:
*-INITT/TOUTPT now halt with a VMS system error message if disk output
has been selected and the file cannot be opened; the most usual error
conditions are disk over quota or no privilege (you have set default to
an area where you do not have write privelege).
*-BINITT now halts with an error message INITT NOT CALLED if the TCS
common block is not initialized
*-CHECK/DSPLAY now halt with the error message BINITT NOT CALLED if the
AG common block is not initialized
The isometric routines draw a 3-D surface with grid lines, tick lines
and labels, and axes labels. They were written at PPPL, using the
hidden line algorithm from the NCAR SRFACE routines. AGISOM is the
more commonly used routine; it can draw the surface with or without
hidden line removal; as viewed from top, bottom, or both; with linear
or logarithmic data. AGISOC has the same options, but can also draw Z
contour lines.
Sample program:
PARAMETER (NXDIM=50) !X dimension of Z array
PARAMETER (NYDIM=30) !Y dimension of Z array
REAL X(NXDIM) !X points at which Z(X,Y) is defined
REAL Y(NYDIM) !Y points at which Z(X,Y) is defined
REAL Z(NXDIM,NYDIM) !surface data
CHARACTER*20 XLABEL !label for X axis
CHARACTER*20 YLABEL !label for Y axis
CHARACTER*20 ZLABEL !label for Z axis
<read/calculate X, Y, Z data values>
C initialization
CALL INITT(0) !switch from VT100 to graphic
CALL ERASE !clear the screen
CALL AGINIT !init AGISOM options
C change various options from the defaults
CALL AGIZTY(2) !Z type - 1 for linear, 2 for log
CALL AGIXNT(0) !extend axes to actual data limits
CALL AGIHID(.TRUE.) !remove hidden lines
CALL AGISID(1) !1=upper side only, -1=lower side, 0=both
C generate the plot
NX = 46 !number of valid X points
NY = 21 !number of valid Y points
CALL UPAUSE(0) !beep and pause
CALL FINITT(0,0) !switch from graphics to VT100
There are more option changing routines, which are described under
The call to AGISOM is:
X (1-D real array) X data
Y (1-D real array) Y data
Z (2-D real array) Z(X,Y) data
NXDIM (integer) X dimension of Z array
NX (integer) number of X points to plot
NY (integer) number of Y points to plot
XLABEL (character) X axis label
YLABEL (character) Y axis label
ZLABEL (character) Z axis label
To draw a surface with Z contours:
CALL AGISZC(NC,C) !set the contour levels to be drawn
!draw surface with Z contours
NC (integer) number of contours (<= 41)
=0 no contours are drawn
=-1 contours drawn at major ticks
=-2 contours drawn at major and minor ticks
<-2 IABS(NC) contours drawn at values evenly spaced from C(1) to C(2)
>0 NC contours set in C by the user
C (1-D real array) contour test values
WORK (1-D real array) work space of dimension at least 2*NX*NY
The routines to modify an isometric plot must be called after AGINIT
and before AGISOM or AGISOC. The AGIDLx routines may be used to force
a data window to span a greater range than normal. Since the data is
not clipped, it is not advisable to set limits less than the actual
data limits.
set data limits (similar to DLIMX/Y)
set screen limits (similar to SLIMX/Y)
CALL AGISLX(MINX,MAXX) !default = 150,590
CALL AGISLY(THETA,LENGY) !default = 45.,440
CALL AGISLZ(MINZ,MAXZ) !default = 120,465
THETA (real) is angle in degrees from the X axis. It must be in
the first two quadrants and not too near 0, 90, or 180.
LENGY (integer) is the Y axis length in screen units. and the y
axis length in screen units. If you set LENGY=0, the routine
calculates a value for you based on the length of the X axis and
set type of transformation
CALL AGIXTY(IVALUE) !1 for linear, 2 for logarithmic
CALL AGIYTY(IVALUE) ! default = 1
set axis rounding option
CALL AGIXNT(NEAT) !0 for raw data endpoints,
CALL AGIYNT(NEAT) !1 to round to minor ticks,
CALL AGIZNT(NEAT) !2 to round to major ticks
!default = 2
set increment between data curves
CALL AGISTX(NX) !plot z vs y every NXth x
CALL AGISTY(NY) !plot z vs x every NYth y
!default = 1
draw reference lines to the X/Y axes
CALL AGISKT(T,T) !draw a line from z(x,y) to the x,y
! plane at the respective axis
!defaults are .FALSE.
set to clip out of range Z values
CALL AGIZCL(.TRUE.) !plot out of range data at the rational
! limit of the z axis
!default is .TRUE.
draw surface with hidden lines removed
CALL AGIHID(.TRUE.) !remove hidden lines from surface
!default is .FALSE.
specify side of surface to be drawn
CALL AGISID(ISIDE) !1 to draw upper side, 0 to draw both
! -1 to draw lower side
!default is 0
The following are isometric subroutines you might want to call to do
additional fine-tuning of a plot.
address screen in 3-D coordinates
CALL AGICAU(X,Y,Z,IX,IY) !convert user x,y,z to screen ix,iy
read major/minor tick values of z axis (called after AGISOC/AGISOM)
NC (integer) number of ticks (.LE.41)
C (1-D real array) Z values at the ticks
TIC (logical array) corresponds to C array
if TIC(i) is true, C(I) is a major tick value
if TIC(i) is false, C(I) is a minor tick value
The contour routines draw unlabeled contour lines. In SGLIB the basic
contour routines are RCONTR and CONTUR, which are based on routines in
the MFE TV80 library. In SGNEW the basic contour routine is AGCLINS,
which is based on the NCAR CLGEN routine. The RCONTR and CONTUR
entries are retained in SGNEW, and make the appropriate calls to
RCONTR draws level curves (contours) for a function FCN of rectangular
coordinates specified by one dimensional arrays; i.e.,
A(i,j)=FCN(X(i),Y(j)). CONTUR accepts arbitrary two-dimensional
curvilinear coordinate arrays that divide the x,y-plane into a grid of
quadrilaterals; x,y-plane into a grid of quadrilaterals; i.e.,
A(i,j)=FCN(X2(i,j),Y2(i,j)). AGCLINS allows you to: specify a
separate color for each level (4105 mode); put a symbol (a drawn symbol
or an ASCII character) at intervals along each line; color fill between
the lines (4105 mode). If you want ticks and tick labels, you should
call AGRAPH, AGRCFR, or AGFRAM before calling the contour routine.
CALL SLIMX(200,800) !optional
CALL SLIMY(200,800) !optional
X,Y is the X/Y data array
IMIN,JMIN is the first index to use in X/Y
IMAX,JMAX is the maximum index to use in X/Y
ISTEP,JSTEP is the index step size for X/Y
IGRID =1 for tick labels on the left and bottom only
=2 for tick labels on the top and right also
REAL X(51),Y(51) !independent axes
REAL Z(51,51) !data values
REAL C(10) !contour levels
. . .
CALL SLIMX(150,850)
CALL SLIMY(100,600)
IGRID=1 !ticks on left/bottom only; 2=top/right also
CALL AGRCFR(X,1,51,1, Y,1,51,1,IGRID)
NC=-10 !10 levels equally spaced between min and max
CALL RCONTR(NC,C,0, Z,51, X,1,51,1, Y,1,51,1)
The arguments to RCONTR are:
where: K1,K2 (integers) describe how the contours are specified
C (1-D real array) contour values
A (2-D real array) function values
MAX (integer) the inner dimension of A
X,Y (1-D real arrays) define a rectangular grid in the
x,y plane
IMIN (integer) the minimum i value
IMAX (integer) the maximum i value
ISTEP (integer) the increment between i values
JMIN (integer) the minimum j value.
JMAX (integer) the maximum j value
JSTEP (integer) the increment between j values
Outputs: C (If K1 is less than 0)
The arguments K1, C, and K2 determine the level lines (contour values)
to be plotted. Three plotting options are available in each of the
contour routines. The plotting option is selected by K1.
K1 greater than 0:
The array C contains K1 numbers to be used as test values for
plotting the level lines, FCN(X,Y)=C(i). Those contours C(i) with i
less than K2 are plotted as a series of dots, while those with i
greater than or equal to K2 are plotted as solid lines.
K1 less than 0:
Minus K1 equally-spaced test values between C(1) and C(2), inclusive,
are generated and placed in C as output. The numbers are stored in
order, with C(1) remaining unchanged and new C(-K1) = OLD C(2).
Plotting then proceeds as described above.
K1 equal to 0:
Then F0 = C(1), DF = C(2), and all level curves of the form FCN = F0
+ M * DF (M is an integer) are plotted (provided they pass through
the grid). Those contours less than C(1) are plotted as a series of
dots, while those greater than or equal to C(1) are plotted as solid
lines. In this case, K2 is ignored. Note that an error exit is
taken if C(2) is less than or equal to 0 for this option.
where: K1,K2 (integers) describe how the contours are specified
C (1-D real array) contour values
A (2-D real array) function values
MAX (integer) the inner dimension of A
X2,Y2 (2-D arrays) define the coordinization of the x,y plane
IMIN (integer) the minimum i value
IMAX (integer) the maximum i value
ISTEP (integer) the increment between i values
JMIN (integer) the minimum j value
JMAX (integer) the maximum j value.
JSTEP (integer) the increment between j values.
Outputs: C (If K1 is less than 0)
The arrays X2 and Y2 must be set up so that the four points
define a quadrilateral, for any legal choice of (I,J) within the limits
All three arrays (A, X2, Y2) must have the same structure. That is,
the same number of rows must be specified for each in the dimension,
and the number of rows must be equal to the value of MAX in the
argument list.
INTEGER KOLORS(6) /2,3,4,5,6,7/
INTEGER ISYMBS(6) /2,3,4,5,6,7/
PARAMETER (MAXD=20) !X dimension of data
REAL XDATA(MAXD), YDATA(MAXY) !independent axes
REAL CL(40) !contour levels (max=40)
CALL INITT(240) !init plot
CALL SLIMX(100,700) !set screen window
CALL SLIMY(100,700)
CALL AGCLINI(0,0,0) !init contour package
CALL AGCOLRS(6,KOLORS,0) !set color codes, no fill
CALL AGCSYMB(6,ISYMBS,0) !set contour symbols
IGRID=2 !1=ticks on left/bottom, 2=top/right also
!NX = number of X points (and ZDATA points in X direction)
!NY = number of Y points (and ZDATA points in Y direction)
!ZMIN = minimum ZDATA value
!ZMAX = maximum ZDATA value
NLEVL = 8 !number of contour levels
ZINC = (ZMAX-ZMIN)/NLEVL !step between levels
!set CL to contour levels, NCL to # of levels
IF (ICONST.NE.0) <data is constant>
CALL AGTCGT(0,'TITLE') !put title
CALL AGTCVS('Y AXIS',0) !y axis label
CALL AGTCHS('X AXIS',0) !x axis label
CALL FINITT(0,0) !done
AGCLINI initializes the contour package and set sizes for temporary
buffers. A size of 0 uses the default buffer size. The first two
buffers are related to the line drawing routines; the default for these
is a function of the number of data points. The third buffer is only
used when there is color fill between the lines; it defaults to 80000.
AGCOLRS (optional) sets the sequence of colors for the contour levels.
If there are more levels than colors the sequence is repeated as
needed. The last argument is a flag which controls whether the areas
between lines are filled.
AGCSYMB (optional) sets the sequence of symbols for the contour levels.
If there are more levels than symbols the sequence is repeated as
needed. The last argument specifies the distance (number of points)
between symbols.
AGCDASH (not implemented yet) sets the sequence of dash styles for the
contour levels. Each level is a separate style.
AGCLGEN (optional) calculates contour levels from the data. There can
be at most 40 levels; for most applications 10 levels is probably too
many. The values are rounded to "nice" intervals.
AGCFRAM draws the axes, ticks, and tick labels, the same as AGCRCFR.
AGCLINS draws the contour levels. If any of the temporary buffers is
not big enough, it outputs a message on the plot and exits.
AGEGET returns an integer status code and optional error text message
if an error occurred; a status of 0 means no error.
SGLIB can output either 4014 or 41xx style Tektronix commands. 41xx
class terminals support a number of features not available for 4014
terminals: lines (vectors) can have color as well as dash type (the 8
standard colors are black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, and
yellow); in marker mode, the program outputs a set of points and the
device draws a marker (hardware defined symbol) at each point; text can
have color, size (multiples of 5x7), and rotation (0, 90, 180, and 270
degrees); panels are closed regions that can be filled with a color or
one of about 50 dither patterns.
Many SGLIB users now have Macintoshes with VersatermPRO, which supports
the 4105/4107. There is also a Tektronix Color Copier in the HLDAS
Data Analysis Room, which is accessed by PRINT/DEV=HC0, and several HP
terminals which are 4105 compatible. On the other hand, most other
terminals (V550, VT240, etc) and the laser printers can not handle 4105
While many of the 41xx commands differ from the 4014 commands, this is
transparent to a program that calls SGLIB routines. The program can
contain any 4105 specific subroutines. At execution time, if 4105 mode
is selected (the program calls TMINIT(1) before INITT, or the user has
done DEFINE TERMINAL_4105 YES before program execution), the 41xx
commands are output; if 4105 is off (the program calls TMINIT(0) or
logical TERMINAL_4105 is deassigned), the 4014 commands are output.
Normally SGLIB draws its output on a screen which is 1024 pixels wide
and 780 pixels high. However some graphics devices are capable of
displaying output to a resolution of 4096 by 4096 pixels. The
advantage of 4096 is more accurate data curves, especially with dashed
and dotted lines -- closer to "publication quality". The disadvantage
is that the quantity of output for a dense plot is four to five times
greater. All labels and other text are identical between 1024 and
The devices at PPPL which are capable of displaying the higher
resolution are Tektronics 4014/4025, MacIntosh with VersatermPro, and
the QMS laser printers. Other devices (V550, laser printers, etc) can
process 4096 output but don't give any better resolution than for 1024.
Several routines have been modified to make 4096 screens "transparent
to the user". SLIMX/Y, X/YLOC, X/YLEN, and all the AGT routines accept
arguments assuming that the screen is always 1024 by 780, and
automatically convert to the proper screen offset. Tick and axis
labeling may have moved slightly as the offsets are now calculated,
where previously they were constants.
However the basic routines that move and draw in screen units
routines that return character sizes do adjust for 4096, but the
routines that return current "pen" location and screen window do not:
CALL CSIZE(IWIDT, IHITE) size of one char, 1024/4096
IHITE = LINHGT(NLINES) height of text area, 1024/4096
IWIDT = LINWDT(NCHARS) width of text string, 1024/4096
CALL SEELOC(IX, IY) pen location, always 1024
CALL SEETW(MINX,MAXX, MINY,MAXY) screen window, always 1024
Thus the output from CSIZE/LINWDT/LINHGT feeds properly into
MOVABS/REL, etc., and the output from SEELOC/SEETW feeds into AGTxxx,
but not vice versa.
There are two ways you can convert screen coordinates that are
constants or that are return values from the above routines. One is to
get the conversion factor (1 for 1024, 4 for 4096) by calling AGSEET
and doing the arithmetic yourself:
CALL AGSEET(I4105,KFAC,IC,IS) KFAC is 4096 factor
IW = LINWDT(2) width of 2 characters
puts TITLE 2 spaces from left edge, 4 pixels above top
moves to 2 spaces from right edge, 20 pixels below top
The other is to use the IAGHRES/IAGLRES functions that convert screen
units to high(4096) or low(1024) resolution:
IW = LINWDT(2) width of 2 characters
Contour and isometric routines work at 4096, although the isometric Y
axis labels are slightly off.
There are two ways to turn on 4096 screen resolution; one is to add
CALL TERM(0, 4096)
after calling INITT, but before calling BINITT. (The first argument
affects whether dash patterns 1-7 and "point lines" are drawn by the
device hardware: a value of 3 means use hardware, 2 means do software
emulation, 0 leaves the current value unchanged.) To revert to 1024
resolution, CALL TERM (0, 1024) or call INITT.
The other way is:
BINITT now checks logical name TERMINAL_RES each time it is called: if
it is not defined, the screen resolution is 1024 (default) or 4096 if
TERM has been called; if it is defined as 4096, screen resolution is
set to 4096; if it is defined by anything except 4096, screen
resolution is set to 1024. Thus you can override the effect of
including TERM(0,4096) in a program to speed up output while browsing
through a file; or you can force 4096 resolution on a program which was
not intended to be run that way.
XPLOT is a PPL program which permits you to view a plot file on your
terminal. It reads from the disk file named on the command line or, if
none, from the file identified by logical name PLOT. For output it
supports the same terminal types (using logical variable TERMINAL_TYPE)
as SGLIB. If you don't invoke TFTRLOG, you should have the following
in your LOGIN.COM file:
For more information, see the separate XPLOT help.
PSPLOT is a PPL command to print a Tektronix plot file on a laser
printer by first converting it to a PostScript file. The PostScript
file is printed and deleted. This procedure uses the TEK2PS program,
which is a modification to the shareware TEK2PS that includes support
for 4105 features.
VPLOT is a PPL program that lets you select frames from a plot file and
send these to a VGDS destination list (printers and/or control room
display screens). For more information see HELP VGDS VPLOT.
SGCAT is a PPL utility that concatenates several plot files into a
single file. Because of the file characteristics of plot files,
concatenating these files using the VMS COPY or APPEND command creates
files with garbage blocks at the end. The command format is:
SGCAT inputfiles outputfile
where "inputfile[s]" is one or more file names separated by commas, any
of which can contain wild cards. An input file can also be modified by
"/since=<date>", where "date" is dd-mmm-yyyy, dd-mmm, TOD[AY], or
YES[TERDAY]. Examples:
SGCAT abc1.plt,abc2.plt abc12.plt
SGCAT abc*.plt abc all.plt
SGCAT abc.plt.* allabc.plt
SGCAT abc*.plt/since=today abc today.plt
SGGCAT abc*.plt/sin=1-nov abc month.plt
While it is concatenating the files, SGCAT inserts a form feed (start
new page) before the next file if any file does not contain a form
This section defines some of the terms used in this help file:
alpha (VT100) screen: Most terminals and terminal emulators have two
separate screens or windows, one that conforms to the ANSI
VT100 standard for text input/output, and one is Tektronix
40xx mode: The graphics window can support the Tektronix 40xx class of
terminals, which includes 4010, 4012, and 4014; SGLIB treats
all these the same.
41xx mode: If the graphics window support the Tektronix 41xx class of
terminal (4105, 4107, 4115), it has a number of features not
available in 40xx terminals, including color, rotated text,
and filled areas.
page: In this document the term page means everything between two
erase commands; i.e., a screen full on a terminal, or a page
on a printer.
frame: A frame is a portion of a page (possibly all), which includes
some number of data curves, axes, labels, etc.
axis: The axis lines are the lines along the bottom and left of a
frame through which the tick marks are drawn; top and right
axes can also be drawn.
ticks: Tick marks are normally drawn through the X and Y axes and
labeled at intervals with the data values.
grid: When the tick marks are drawn all the way across the frame, they
create a grid for the frame.
This section is a record of when various features were added to SGLIB.
*-There is a new routine to obtain the character typed by the user at
the UPAUSE pause:
CALL UPAUSE(0) !beep and wait
CALL UPAUCH(ITYPED) !get typed character
CTYPED=CHAR(ITYPED) !convert to a character variable
*-The internal routine SG NARG has been replaced by the Fortran
run-time library routine IARGCOUNT.
*-The text routines (AGTHS, AGTVS, AGTMHS, etc.) no longer accept
either a character variable/constant or a text string stored in a
non-character variable. The argument now MUST be a character variable
or constant.
*-The argument to the AGFCLOS routine must be a character variable or
constant; an integer argument is no longer acceptable.
CALL AGFCLOS(' ') !close any output file
CALL AGFCLOS(FILE) !close and return the file name
*-UPAUSE, the routine that beeps at the end of a plot and waits for you
to type a character, now moves the cursor to the bottom left corner of
the screen if a disk file open where you are optionally storing frames
based on which character you type (usually "D").
*-The PPPL utility XTC, an X-window graphics tool that buffers plot
frames and provides other graphics support, is now supported both for
plot output and input. For more information on XTC, see "HELP XTC".
*-Logical name PLOT (or the destination argument to RINTT) can now
specify up to 3 simultaneous output devices: one disk file, the
terminal attached to your job, and an XTC window or another terminal.
*-Subroutine RINITT, which changes the plot output device(s), now has
an optional status argument that returns a status code. If the status
argument is not present and the new device(s) are unavailable, RINITT
causes the program to stop; if present, RINITT returns instead of
*-If PLOT is undefined in a batch job, and the definition of SYS$OUTPUT
is a disk name with no directory, the plot is written to the file
where <user> is your user name.
*-New routines AGEXSR and AGEYSR draw error bars with unequal lengths
for the top/bottom (right/left) sides of the error bar.
*-Some internal routines have been converted to empty shells that just
output an error message (KEYSET, DATGET, NOTATE, RECOVX, VWINDO, ULINE,
UPOINT). You should only be using routines described in the
SUBROUTINES section of this help file.
SGLIB changes made in March, 1991:
*-There are 4 new symbols:
code 12 is a MacCircle (see below)
code 13 is a circle with a plus inside
code 14 is a square with an X inside
code 15 is a diamond with a plus inside
ONLY for VersatermPro in 4105 mode, the MacCircle draws a true circle
rather than the hexagon approximation, which is useful when saving a
VersatermPro graph as a MacDraw document. In 4014 mode symbol code 12
is the same as code 1.
*-SGLIB now supports "solid" symbols. In 4105 mode, it uses a hardware
capability (panel fill) to create a solid symbol of the same color as
the outline. In 4105 mode all symbols except the vertical bar, up and
down arrows, and the 3 overlaid symbols have a filled version; a filled
"X" becomes a bowtie, a filled "+" is a bowtie at a 45 degree angle.
In 4014 mode a symbol is drawn repeatedly with smaller scale factors to
emulate solid fill. (Note that this makes .PLT files bigger and
increases the time to display the plot.) In 4014 mode the only symbols
that fill are the circle, square, diamond, triangle, and del.
*-A new routine AGNPTS(NX,NY) lets you specify the number of points in
your X and Y arrays separately. For example, if you have NY points in
an array YARY, but just a start and delta for the X data, you can do:
CALL AGNPTS(0,NY) !X data is short form (NX=0)
XARY(1)=-1. !set up short form descriptor
*-A new routine, AGSTEPS(ISTEP,ISTART), lets you set both the symbol
step size (number of points between symbols) and symbol start (first
point to put a symbol). This permits staggering symbols on overlaid
SGLIB changes made in February, 1990:
*-While you are switched to the graphics screen of your terminal, SGLIB
traps broadcast messages (notification of mail, system bulletins,
ctrl-T, etc.) and outputs these when you switch back to the alpha
(VT100) screen. The size of the buffer is 20 messages, each up to 120
characters; any more than this are thrown away.
If your program enables broadcast trapping before calling INITT or
AGSGRF (e.g., via the SMG routines), the messages go to your buffer and
SGLIB trapping is not enabled. Note that while trapping is in effect
(whether by SGLIB or SMG or any means), you cannot spawn. SGLIB
enables trapping any time your program outputs to a terminal; it does
not check that the terminal is the SYS$OUTPUT device for your job. You
can inhibit broadcast trapping by doing "DEFINE TERMINAL_TRAP NO"
before program execution.
*-SGLIB now has an exit handler which cleans up any open output. If
you type ctrl-Y (or EXIT to DEBUG) while on the graphics screen, just
type the VMS command EXIT, which terminates the program, to be switched
back to the alpha screen. (If you switch manually and then type a VMS
command a few strange characters - the control sequence to switch
screens - will appear on your terminal.) Zero length plot files (from
having a plot file open where you didn't "keep" any pages) should now
always be deleted when you exit the program.
*-You can now set the size of the terminal and/or disk buffers at run
time via logical variables:
DEF SG_TERM_BYTES n !1 <= n <= 512
The default for SG_TERM_BYTES is 512; for SG_DISK_BLOKS is 3 (disk
blocks). The buffers are now allocated dynamically the first time
output is done to that class of device; they remain allocated (at that
size) for the duration of the program. Setting the size of the disk
buffer to a value greater than the default decreases the number of disk
i/o's. A disk block size that is a multiple of the allocation default
for the disk (3 for most PPL disks) is more efficient, but not
required. The main use for changing the size of the terminal buffer is
debugging; a value of 1 byte guarantees that you can see everything
that has been generated if the program aborts in the middle of
*-Subroutine RESET is no longer called by any routine in SGLIB, and so
is needed only if any program calls it directly. Deleting this routine
from SGLIB would eliminate possible conflicts with other libraries with
a routine of the same name.
*-There is a new routine that returns a flag indicating what types of
output devices have been selected by the user:
IOUT = 0 for no output, 1 for disk only, 2 for terminal only, 3 for
both. The other arguments are unused at present. This routine is
valid after the user has called INITT the first time. The IOUT
parameter is modified by AGVGDS and RINITT.
*-In 4105 mode, 2 character sizes are supported via subroutine CHRSIZ.
In 4014 mode, size 1 is the default, 2 is 94% of size 1, 3 is 62%, 4 is
55%. In 4105 mode, size 1 is the default, 2 is the same as size 1, 3
is 60%, and 4 is the same as 3.
SGLIB changes made in 1989 include:
*-There is a new routine AGQFILE which queues your plot file to a
printer. This is what SGLIB calls if you specify a print queue as a
VGDS destination. It is much faster than calling LIB$SPAWN with a
PRINT command, and can be used to queue any file (not just a plot
file). See the Output_select(RINITT,PLOT,AGQFILE) section of this
*-The AGISLY routine to set the length of the Y axis for AGISOM/AGISOC
now automatically calculates a reasonable axis length if you call it
with the length argument set to zero; e.g., CALL AGISLY(THETA,0).
SGLIB changes made in 1988 include:
*-4105 class output is supported. To enable 4105 mode, DEFINE
TERMINAL_4105 YES before executing your program; DEAS TERMINAL_4105 to
return to good old 4014 style output. AGCGRID(INDEX), AGCCURV(INDEX),
AGCTEXT(INDEX) set the color for grid (including tick labels),
curve(s), and text, respectively. INDEX = 0 for white (no line), 1 for
black, 2 for red, 3 for green, 4 for blue, 5 for cyan, 6 for magenta, 7
for yellow. Call AGCCURV/AGCGRID after BINITT, AGCTEXT anytime after
*-There is a new line type called a marker line, which is an extension
of a point plot. Marker type 0 is a dot, 1 a small plus, 2 a larger
plus, 3 an asterisk, 4 a circle, 5 an X, 6 a square, 7 a diamond, 8 a
square with a dot, 9 a diamond with a dot, 10 a square with an x. If
the line type is -5 (CALL LINE(-5)), a marker line is drawn with the
marker type set to the symbol type (CALL SYMBL(n)).
*-AGTMVS/AGTVS (move/write vertical string) write text at 90 rotation
(heading up the left axis) in 4105 mode. New routines
move/write rotated; the angle IROT must be 0 (horizontal), 90 (heading
up), 180 (upside down), or 270 (heading down).
*-Most of the AGX entry points (AGXCHS, AGXCVS, AGXCGT, AGXHS, AGXVS),
the old-style names for the AGT routines, have been deleted; if you
have any of these, change the AGX to AGT.
Several routines that are described in the Tektronix manual are null in
*-XDEN, YDEN, XETYP, YETYP, and SIZEL set flags which are not
were text formatting routines.
*-USESET would permit user written tick labels.
Calendar dates as labels, text margins and tab settings, and polar
plots have been removed.
This Document was created by hlptohtml
Written By:Manish Vachharajani(