Converts tektronix formatted plot files into Postscript format.
To setup the command:
$ setup tek2ps
This defines the tek2ps command and necessary logical names.
Non-PPPL Users:
define symbol tek2ps :== $sourceroot:[xtctek]tek2ps.exe
The format for the command is:
$ tek2ps -o output_ps_file input_tektronix_file
e.g.: $ tek2ps -o cuplot.plt
Converts tektronix formatted plot files into Postscript and prints 6 plots
per page.
To setup the command:
$ setup tek2ps
Non-PPPL Users:
define symbol tek6up :== @sourceroot:[xtctek]
The format for the command is:
$ tek6up <file.PLT> <printer>
tek2ps -o <> -p $NTCC_ROOT/etc/ <multi.plt>
The tek2ps program requires the prolog file,, which
is part of the distribution in /xtctek.
PPPL users find it in $NTCC_ROOT/etc/.
If this is in your $HOME directory:
setenv PRO $HOME/
tek2ps -o -p $PRO foo.plt
lpr -P my_printer
For PPPL Users:
tek2ps_sh foo.plt
will produce foo.plt_ps
The name of the output file is specified by:
To scale everything by 1.5, enter
-s 1.5
To set all line colors to 1 (black):
-c 1
The other color codes are:
2 = blue
3 = green
4 = red
5 = cyan
6 = magneta
7 = yellow
To set the line width to 4 pixels:
-w 4
To set all line styles to solid:
-l 0
The other line styles are:
1 = dotted
2 = dot-dash
3 = short dash
4 = long dash
5,6,7 = solid
To use the prolog file for portrait printing:
-p usr:[usertools.tek2ps] (VMS)
-p $NTCC_ROOT/etc/ (Unix)
To use the prolog file for up to 6 graphs per page:
-p $NTCC_ROOT/etc/
This Document was created by hlptohtml
Written By:Manish Vachharajani(