MRX Research

Selected talks about FRC research in MRX:

Equilibrium and Stability Studies of Free-Boundary FRCs in MRX, seminar presented at U. of Maryland, College Park, 5/10/06
Movies with this Seminar:
Shot Set 52259, Center Column and Large Mirror Ratio, Near optimal performance.
Shot Set 54154, No Center Column and Small Mirror Ratio, Large N=1 Tilt
Shot Set 52181, Center Column and Small Mirror Ratio, Large N=2 Co-Interchange
Shot Set 54870, No Center Column and Large Mirror Ratio, "Saturated" N=1 Shift Mode

Studies of Free Boundary Field Reversed Configurations with improved Stability in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment, Poster presented at the IAEA FEC 2006 meeting in Chengdu, China

Sustained Compact Toroids in MRX, Talk at the 2007 ICC meeting in College Park, Maryland
Movies With this Seminar:
Ohmically sustained Argon FRC, Movie From Magnetics
Argon FRC without sustainment, Movie From Magnetics
Merging Argon Spheromaks with Sustainment. White light image taken by Ricky Maqueda of Nova Photonics
Unstable Helium FRC, Movie From Magnetics
Unsustained Argon Spheromak, Movie From Magnetics
Tilting Helium Spheromak, Movie From Magnetics
Tilting Helium Spheromak. White light image taken by Ricky Maqueda of Nova Photonics
Argon Spheromak turning into an FRC, Movie From Magnetics
Tilting Helium Spheromak. White light image taken by Ricky Maqueda of Nova Photonics
Shifting/Tilting Helium Spheromak. White light image taken by Ricky Maqueda of Nova Photonics

Papers about FRCs in MRX:

Studies of Free Boundary Field Reversed Configurations with improved Stability in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment , Paper presented at the IAEA FEC 2006 meeting in Chengdu, China.

Equilibrium and Stability Studies of Oblate FRCs in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment , S. P. Gerhardt, E. Belova, M. Inomoto , M. Yamada, Y. Ren, and A. Kuritsyn, Phys. Plasmas 13, 112508 (2006).

A Self-Organized Plasma with Induction, Reconnection, and Injection Techniques: the SPIRIT Concept for Field Reversed Configuration Research , M. Yamada, H. Ji, E. Belova, S.P. Gerhardt, R.C. Davidson, and D.R. Mikkelsen, Plasma and Fusion Research 2, 004 (2007)

Recent Advances in the SPIRIT (Self-organized Plasma with Induction, Reconnection, and injection Techniques) Concept , H. Ji, E. Belova, S.P. Gerhardt, and M. Yamada, Journal of Fusion Energy 26, 93 (2007)

Inductive Sustainment of Field-Reversed Configuration Stabilized by Shaping, Magnetic Diffusion, and Finite-Larmour Radius Effects, S.P. Gerhardt, M. Yamada, H. Ji, E. Belova, M. Inomoto, Y. Ren, and B. McGeehan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 055003 (200

inductive Sustainment of Oblate field reversed configurations with the assistance of magnetic diffusion, shaping, and finite-Larmourradius Stabilization , S.P. Gerhardt,E. Belova, M. Yamada, H. Ji, M. Inomoto, C.M. Jacobson, R. Maqueda, B. McGeehan, and Y. Ren, Phys. Plasmas 15, 022503 (2008)

New Method For Inductively Forming an Oblate Field Reversed Configuration From a Spheromak, S.P. Gerhardt, M. Yamada, E.V. Belova, H. Ji, M. Inomoto, Y. Ren, and B. McGeehan, Nuclear Fusion 48, 1 (2008).

Field-Reversed configuration formation scheme utilizing a spheromak and solenoidiinductions, S.P. Gerhardt, E.V. Belova, M. Yamada, H. Ji, Y. Ren, B. McGeehan, and M. Inomoto, Phys. Plasmas 15, 032503 (2008)

Papers about basic reconnection science:

Experimental verification of the Hall Effect during Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma Yang Ren, Masaaki Yamada, Stefan Gerhardt, Hantao Ji, Russel Kulsrud, and Aleksey Kuritsyn, Phys. Rev. Lett.

Experimental Measurements of the Parallel and Transverse Spitzer Resistivities During Collisional Magnetic Reconnection, A. Kuritsyn, M. Yamada, S.P. Gerhardt, H. Ji. and Y. Ren, Phys. Plasmas 13, 055703 (2006)

Experimental study of Two-fluid Effects on Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasmas with Variabel Collisionality, M. Yamada, Y. Ren, H. Ji, J. Breslau, S. Gerhardt, R. Kulsrud, and A. Kuritsyn, 13, 052119 (2006)

Coupling between Global Geometry and the Local Hall Effect Leading to Reconnection-Layer Symmetry Breaking , M. Inomoto, S.P. Gerhardt, M. Yamada, H. Ji, A. Kuritsyn, and Y. Ren, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 135002 (2006).

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