Stefan Gerhardt

Contact information:
Stefan Gerhardt
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Phone: (609)243-2823
email: sgerhard at pppl dot gov

I am a staff physicist at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) , working on NSTX . I work primarily in the areas of MHD stability & disruption physics, high performance ST scenario development, plasma control, and magnetic diagnostics. I have at various times had leadership positions in both the MHD and Advanced Scenarios NSTX Topical Science Groups.

Before joining NSTX, I worked on MRX , leading studies of compact toroids formed by merging spheromaks. See link below for cool movies. I also supported the basic magnetic reconnection research program at MRX.

I received my PhD from the Electrical Engineering Deparment at the U. of Wisconsin-Madison , for work done at the Helically Symmetric Experiment . My thesis topic was the demonstration of reduced flow damping with quasi-symmetry, compared to traditional stellarators.

Here is a copy of my resume (.pdf) (.doc). (html).

Stellarator Research Information
MRX Research Information
NSTX Research Information