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CHAPTER 1: The Python Graphics Interface
1.1 Overview of the Python Graphics Interface
1.2 Using the Python Graphics Interface
1.3 About This Manual
CHAPTER 2: Introduction to Python Gist Graphics
2.1 PyGist 2-D Graphics
2.2 PyGist 3-D Graphics
2.2.1 General overview of module pl3d
2.2.2 Overview of module plwf
2.2.3 Overview of module slice3
2.3 movie.py: PyGist 3-D Animation
2.4 Function Summary
CHAPTER 3: Control Functions
3.1 Device Control
3.1.1 Window Control
3.1.2 Hard Copy and File Control
3.2 Other Controls
3.2.1 animate: Control Animation Mode
3.2.2 palette: Set or Retrieve Palette
3.2.3 plsys: Set Coordinate System
3.2.4 redraw: Redraw X window
CHAPTER 4: Plot Limits and Scaling
4.1 Setting Plot Limits
4.1.1 limits: Save or Restore Plot Limits
4.1.2 ylimits: Set y-axis Limits
4.2 Scaling and Grid Lines
4.2.1 logxy: Set Linear/Log Axis Scaling
4.2.2 gridxy: Specify Grid Lines
4.3 Zooming Operations
CHAPTER 5: Two-Dimensional Plotting Functions
5.1 Output Primitives
5.1.1 plg: Plot a Graph
5.1.2 plmesh: Set Default Mesh
5.1.3 plm: Plot a Mesh
5.1.4 plc: Plot Contours
5.1.5 plv: Plot a Vector Field
5.1.6 plf: Plot a Filled Mesh
5.1.7 plfc: Plot filled contours
5.1.8 plfp: Plot a List of Filled Polygons
5.1.9 pli: Plot a Cell Array
5.1.10 pldj: Plot Disjoint Lines
5.1.11 plt: Plot Text
5.1.12 pltitle: Plot a Title
5.2 Plot Function Keywords
CHAPTER 6: Inquiry and Miscellaneous Functions
6.1 Inquiry and Editing Functions
6.1.1 plq: Query Plot Element Status
6.1.2 pledit: Change Plotting Properties
6.1.3 pldefault: Set Default Values
6.2 Miscellaneous Functions
6.2.1 bytscl: Convert to Color Array
6.2.2 histeq_scale: Histogram Equalized Scaling
6.2.3 mesh_loc: Get Mesh Location
6.2.4 mouse: Handle Mouse Click
6.2.5 moush: Mouse in a Mesh
6.2.6 pause: Pause
CHAPTER 7: Three-Dimensional Plotting Functions
7.1 Setting Up For 3-D Graphics
7.1.1 The Plotting List
7.1.2 Functions For Setting Viewing Parameters
7.1.3 Lighting Parameters
7.1.4 Display List
7.2 3-D Graphics Control Functions
7.2.1 Getting a Window
7.2.2 Displaying the Gnomon
7.2.3 Plotting the Display List
7.2.4 The variable _draw3 and the idler
7.3 Data Setup Functions for Plotting
7.3.1 Creating a Plane
7.3.2 Creating a mesh3 argument
7.4 The Slicing Functions
7.4.1 slice3mesh: Pseudo-slice for a surface
7.4.2 slice3: Plane and Isosurface Slices of a 3-D mesh
7.4.3 slice2 and slice2x: Slicing Surfaces with planes
7.5 At Last - the 3-D Plotting Functions
7.5.1 plwf: plot a wire frame
7.5.2 pl3surf: plot a 3-D surface
7.5.3 pl3tree: add a surface to a plotting tree
7.6 Contour Plotting on Surfaces: plzcont and pl4cont
7.7 Animation: movie and spin3
7.7.1 The movie module and function
7.7.2 The spin3 function
7.8 Syntactic Sugar: Some Helpful Functions
7.8.1 Specifying the palette to be split: split_palette
7.8.2 Saving and restoring the view and lighting: save3, restore3
CHAPTER 8: Useful Functions for Developers
8.1 Find 3D Lighting: get3_light
8.2 Get Normals to Polygon Set: get3_normal
8.3 Get Centroids of Polygon Set: get3_centroid
8.4 Get Viewer's Coordinates: get3_xy
8.5 Add object to drawing list: set3_object
8.6 Sort z Coordinates: sort3d
8.7 Set the cmax parameter: lightwf
8.8 Return a Wire Frame Specification: xyz_wf
8.9 Calculate Chunks of Mesh: iterator3
8.10 Get Vertex Values of Function: getv3
8.11 Get Cell Values of Function: getc3
8.12 Controlling Points Close to the Slicing Plane: _slice2_precision
8.13 Scale variables to a palette: bytscl, split_bytscl
8.14 Return Vertex Coordinates for a Chunk: xyz3
8.15 Find Corner Indices of List of Cells: to_corners3
8.16 Timing: timer, timer_print
CHAPTER 9: Maintenance: Things You Really Didn't Want to Know
9.1 The Workhorse: gistCmodule
9.1.1 Memory Maintenance: PyObjects
9.1.2 Memory Management: ArrayObjects
9.1.3 Memory Management: naked memory
9.1.4 Computing contour curves: contour
9.1.5 Computing slices: slice2, slice2x, _slice2_part
9.2 Some Yorick-like Functions: yorick.py
9.3 Additional Array Operations: arrayfnsmodule
9.3.1 Counting Occurrences of a Value: histogram
9.3.2 Assigning to an Arbitrary Subset of an Array: array_set
9.3.3 Sorting an array: index_sort
9.3.4 Interpolating Values: interp
9.3.5 Digitizing an array: digitize
9.3.6 Reversing a Two-Dimensional array: reverse
9.3.7 Obtaining an Equally-Spaced Array of Floats: span
9.3.8 Effective Length of an Array: nz
9.3.9 Finding Edges Cut by Isosurfaces: find_mask
9.3.10 Order Cut Edges of a cell: construct3
9.3.11 Expand cell-centered values to node-centered values: to_corners
9.4 More slice3 details
9.4.1 Standard ordering for the four types of mesh cells
9.4.2 Standard numbering of cells in a regular rectangular mesh
9.4.3 How slice3 works

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