Next: Sample CUPLOT data selection
Up: Guide to CUPLOT on
Previous: CUPLOT commands arranged by
- are stored on the Waveform disks. There is one file per
shot, each with multiple waveforms. Waveforms have time start/delta
values. Data values are in engineering units. At least one year's
files are kept on magnetic disk. Older files are archived to the
optical disk; these are retrieved automatically, or you can use the
WFGET utility. Anyone can read the data. Derived waveforms are
calculated ``on the fly'' from file waveforms.
- files are stored on the Spooling and Raw data disks.
There is usually one file per shot per digraph, each file containing
multiple devices (keywords). Some devices have timing information in
the file, but some don't. Data values are in digitizer counts. At
least one day's files are kept on the spooling disks; users control
which files are on the raw data disks. Files are archived to tape and
restored via GETSHOTS. Reading the data requires the
TFTR_RESULTS_OWNER privilege, but since the data is``raw''
generally only people associated with the diagnostic involved can
usefully access the data.
- files are stored on the Results disks. Most are in
the Ufile format, each file containing a single 1D or
2D quantity, with associated independent vector(s). Data values are
in engineering units. At least one month's files are kept on disk.
Files are archived to the optical disk and retrieved automatically, or
you can use RESGET. Reading the data requires the
- files are stored on the Snap and Globe disks. Each
shot-try has multiple channels. Globe vectors are time-based; Snap
vectors use the major or minor radius. Data values are in engineering
units. At least one month's files are kept on disk. Files are
archived to the optical disk and retrieved automatically. Reading the
data requires the SNAP_USER_OWNER or
- output is stored on the Transp disks. Runs are
identified by a new-style run id, which has the shot number and a run
number for that shot, or an old-style run id, which is a sequential
run number made during a given year. In both cases you must know the
run year to locate the data. 1D data is vs time; 2D
data is vs time and another independent vector. Some runs are
archived to the optical disk; others must be retrieved from tape using
the GETRUN utility. Reading the data requires the
TRANSPDATA privilege.
- are stored in Ingres data bases. CUPLOT can't process this data.
Next: Sample CUPLOT data selection
Up: Guide to CUPLOT on
Previous: CUPLOT commands arranged by
Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 12:49:48 EDT 1997