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Set the Physics Controls


This section lets you set physics control parameters. It does not read any diagnostic data.

<0=MO> Option for SHOT 58505 @ 3.400 s? <Ph>: ,

\* Options are:

 1) Major radius of the vacuum vessel (<=0 --> R0) ........... <2.650>
 2) HW half-width of the vacuum vessel (<=0 --> 1.1a) ........ <1.000>
 3) HH half-height of the vacuum vessel (<=0 --> 1.1a) ....... <1.000>

 4) Ion convection multiplier for heat transport ............. <1.5>
 5) Electron convection multiplier for heat transport ........ <1.50>
 6) Charge-exchange fraction reabsorbed into the plasma ...... <0.500>

 7) BB Include beam-beam neutron calculations ................ <YES>
 8) BT Include beam-target neutron calculations .............. <YES>
 9) BA Include beam-beam atomic physics ...................... <YES>
10) ED Include energy diffusion in Fokker-Plank equation ..... <YES>

11) BEam-driven current ...................................... <YES>
12) BOotstrap current ........................................ <YES>
13) CUrrent profile .......................................... <Neoclassical>
14) SHafronov shift nonlinear ................................ <YES>

15) RO Include rotation effects .............................. <NO>

16) Alpha heating............................................. <ON>

17) SPecials:  Shifts, Sawtooth model, j(r), MHD numbers ..... <STANDARD>
18) ITeration controls ....................................... <STANDARD>
19) IDentify this as a nonstandard run ....................... <NO>

<1=PC;> Physics control option? <1>:   SP
Standard switch values are:

Physics has two special submenus, Special and Iterations, which keep track of standard settings of their parameters and warn you if you've got any nonstandard values by highlighting them in the submenus and in the physics menu. The standard values are those remembered from the SNAP.INI file. Note that there are two columns of values in the menus--the first column shows the current settings and the second column shows the standard values.

The Special submenu controls profile shifts, sawtooth model, j(r), and MHD numbers.

<1=PC;> Physics control option? <1>:   SP

\* Options are:

 1) SH Shafranov shift ...................................  YES       YES
 2) BF B-field shift .....................................  YES       YES

 3) SS Shafranov shift source..........................Kinetics  Kinetics
 4) DC Include diamagnetic current in j(r) analysis ......   NO        NO
 5) PS Include Pfirsch-Schluter current in j(r) analysis .   NO        NO

 6) SM Sawtooth model for ions ...........................   NO        NO
 7) SC Chi-i inside q=1 if sawtooth ion model selected ... 1.00E+02  1.00E+06

 8) SF Sawtooth Flattening ...............................   NO        NO
 9) R1 r(q=1) ............................................ 1.20      1.20
10) R2 r(mix) ............................................ 1.68      1.68

11) RAtional surfaces ....................................   25        25

12) REset all special physics values to standard values.

<2=SP;> Special physics option? ....................... Current  Standard <1>:

The Iterations submenu controls tolerances for convergence and the maximum number of iterations for computing various quantities. Don't change these unless you understand what the various controls do.

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 15:18:44 EDT 1997