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UGRAF1 and UGRAF2--Display UFILE Data


UGRAF1  and UGRAF2  plot the contents of a 1D and 2D Ufiles respectively. You must know the dimensionality of the Ufile you are going to plot and the full name of that Ufile, including the disk and directory information. The Ufiles manual is available from Doug McCune. These utilities use the UREAD user interface system. For more information, type *H at any prompt.

When you start either program, you first encounter the UFNTER menu which lets you set up the name form; i.e., the file name less the shot number.

    $ UGRAF1
    UFNTER:   N TR_DISK:[MCCUNE]S.T1T Q   !set file name form
    UGRAF1:   55851 P                     !set shot and plot
plots the file TR_DISK:[MCCUNE]S55851.T1T. Q exits the file form menu; generally Q is used to exit menus in Ufiles utilities and ? redisplays the menu.
    UGRAF1:   65684 P Q
    UGRAF1:   S 65685 P Q
plots XI_ALL:S65684.T1T, then XI_ALL:S65685.T1T, leaving control at the main UGRAF1 menu. From the main menu, or after drawing any plot, you can set scaling defaults, line style, grid style, plot size, type of axes, etc.

UGRAF2 provides slice plots, slice multi-plots, contour plots, and isometric projections. For a demonstration of UGRAF2 capabilities, do:

which invokes a UREAD script to make several displays from a 2D Ufile of smoothed ECE radiometer temperature vs time and ECE frequency. To have UGRAF2 menus, prompts, and script file responses echoed during execution, modify the above command to:
It might also be of interest simply to type out the script file that is executed by this example, TRANSP$:[CTL]UGRAF2_DEMO.IFI.

To compare multiple 2-D Ufiles: 

    $ UGRAFM
UGRAFM is maintained by Mike Zarnstorff.

Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 11:22:04 EDT 1997