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RPLOT--Display TRANSP Results

The RPLOT   program allows graphical display of TRANSP output. Multigraph packages are supplied by RPLOT to generate standard displays such as plots of the ion power balance. RPLOT is also used to create standard hardcopy and output on successful completion of a run. In order to run RPLOT, your LOGIN.COM must set up some definitions as described in $ HELP TRANSP, and you need to know the identification of the TRANSP run you want to plot. To access the TRANSP data you need the TRANSPDATA privilege. The latest RPLOT documentation ``Accessing TRANSP Output: A User's Guide'' is available from Doug McCune.

TRANSP runs are stored on disks referenced by the logical name RUNDATA. The directory for a run is determined by the tokamak name and the shot year, for example [TRANSP.TFTR.88] or [TRANSP.PBXM.89]. Runs are identified by run ids which are either four digit numbers or the newer eight character ``shot-try'' identifiers. For example, the TFTR.89 area contains a TRANSP run 1121 which is an analysis of a shot from 1989 with beam heating and carbon pellet injection; the TFTR.90 area contains a TRANSP run 46470A03 which is an analysis of a low current high poloidal beta shot.

For a sample of plots from run 1121, execute:

This demo shows a fraction of the data available in the run. There are hundreds of scalar and profile functions and several dozen multigraph packages. It might be of interest to type out the script file TRANSP$:[CTL]RPLOT_DEMO.TMI.

Successful use of RPLOT requires gaining familiarity with the names of functions and multigraph packages. Some examples of standard names are:

TE electron temperature vs time and spatial coordinate
XNEUT scalar multigraph of neutron emission vs time
PDENS profile multigraph of plasma specie densities
vs time and radius

The precise set of names available depends on model options and the version of TRANSP used to create a particular result. Use:
to have a listing of names from TRANSP run TFTR.89 1121 printed on printer HL0.

In addition to basic plotting capability, RPLOT offers many advanced capabilities. User defined profile functions can be defined and also saved in a Ufile. Various options for smoothing, time averaging, and integral-differential transforms are scattered throughout RPLOT.

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 11:22:04 EDT 1997