The most commonly used VMS commands are:
Most VMS commands are adequately described by the VMS HELP system. If further information is needed, a complete set of VMS manuals is in the HLDAS Room, B235. In particular, the ``Introduction to VMS'' provides a detailed description of VMS features. With some commands additional help is available by typing HELP while running the command. For example:
$ HELP MAILdescribes how to run MAIL from VMS, while:
$ MAIL > HELPdocuments all MAIL subcommands. You can obtain a printed copy of an entire HELP topic by telling HELP to create a file with everything about that topic and then printing that file. For example, to print the entire CUPLOT help file on the HL0 printer (and delete the file after printing):
$ HELP/OUTPUT=CUPLOT.HLP CUPLOT... $ PRINT/QUEUE=HL0/DELETE CUPLOT.HLPNote that there are no spaces before the ``...''. In addition to vendor supplied help topics, many PPL written topics are available in the help system. To list these topics:
$ HELP TFTR an on-line version of this document $ HELP @USR lots of useful tools are described here $ HELP @TFTR GETSHOTS, OPREAD and all that $ HELP @PPL Archiver, etc. $ HELP @HLDAS user's helpful hints for HLDAS codes $ HELP VMS_ALPHA differences between AXP and VAX