2003 I 1

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They did not make a mistake. Air has the possibility to take on an electron, or to split and form negative ions. These remove electrons from the system ande make it more difficult to break down. Molecules in air also have internal degrees of freedom that can be excited, causing inelastic scattering rather than ionization.

The optimum initial phase shift is π, so that the change in signal as a function of the phase shift is at a maximum.

A Rogowski loop consists of a wire wrapped in a long coil, with the coil bent in a loop around the outside of the plasma. It measures the poloidal magnetic field around the plasma (at the plasma edge). This is done by integrating the voltage from the loop, since the voltage is proportional to \partial B/\partial t through the center of the coil. This can then be used to measure the plasma current.

This page was recovered in October 2009 from the Plasmagicians page on Generals_2003_I_1 dated 18:47, 7 May 2007.

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