2005 II 4

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The wave equation is:


The two transverse waves have:


We can take the first two equations:


And combine them:




Which can be factored to:


Giving dispersion relations:


The last equation is longitudinal, so:

εzz = 0


1 + χzz = 0

The term that goes to infinity at ω = ΩH is Z\left(\zeta_{1}\right). This term appears in the dispersion relation:


Using the dispersion relation:


For ω real and very close to ΩH, \zeta_{1}^{\left(e\right)}\gg1 [note: this assumption comes from Stix, we assume it is based on <i>k</i><i>v</i><i>T</i><i>i</i>˜Ω<i>H</i>. This makes sense if it is reasonable to keep the ion term as <i>Z</i>(ζ), but is not necessarily true], so we take the first term in the electron expansion:


Since \omega\ll\Omega_{e}:


And by quasineutrality, \omega_{pe}^{2}/\Omega_{e}=-\omega_{pi}^{2}/\Omega_{i}, so we will find:

n_{\|}^{2}=1-\frac{\omega_{pi}^{2}}{\omega\Omega_{i}}+\frac{\omega_{pi}^{2}}{\omega k_{\|}v_{ti}}Z\left(\zeta_{1}^{\left(i\right)}\right)

Because n_{\|} will not go to infinity at the resonance.

This page was recovered in October 2009 from the Plasmagicians page on Generals_2005_II_4 dated 20:35, 15 May 2007.

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