2005 I 2

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-3 V

Drawing a tangent from the zero crossing to the ion saturation current level (-1 mA) gives roughly -2 V, so the electron temperature is 2 eV.

Argon ions will probably be singly charged, since the second ionization potential is significantly over 1.5 eV

The ion saturation current is -1 mA. since:

Isi = − 0.6neeApCs

One finds (assuming the mass of argon is 36):

C_{s}=9.79\times10^{5}\left(\gamma ZT_{e}/\mu\right)^{1/2}\mathrm{cm/s}\approx2\times10^{5}\mathrm{cm/s}

The electron saturation current is:


We get:


So that the current is:


This beam electrons have velocity:


The beam would increase the current for V > − 10V uniformly by:


This page was recovered in October 2009 from the Plasmagicians page on Generals_2005_I_2 dated 20:22, 15 May 2007.

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