2005 I 3

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We have:

\mathbf{E}+\frac{\mathbf{u}\times\mathbf{B}}{c}=\eta\mathbf{j}+\frac{\mathbf{j}\times\mathbf{B}}{en_{e}c}-\frac{\nabla p_{e}}{en_{e}}

Writing the last two terms, with \nabla p_{e}=n_{e}T/h_{p}, \mathbf{j}=\frac{c}{4\pi}\nabla\times\mathbf{B}=B/h_{B}:

\cdots\frac{B^{2}/h}{4\pi en_{e}}-\frac{n_{e}T}{en_{e}h_{p}}

The \mathbf{u}\approx v_{T}:


So comparing with the \mathbf{j}\times\mathbf{B} term, the latter term will be negligible if:

\frac{v_{Ti}B}{c}\gg\frac{B^{2}/h_{B}}{4\pi en_{e}}


\frac{v_{Ti}}{c}\gg\frac{B/h_{B}}{4\pi en_{e}}=\frac{\Omega_{i}c}{\omega_{pi}^{2}h_{B}}

So the condition is that:


The second term will be negligible if:




So the \nabla p term is negligible if:


Along magnetic field lines, the scale length will be λmfp = vT / ν. The relevant collision frequency will be self-collisions (with the like species). The relevant time scale will be ν. Then:

\chi_{e}\sim v_{Te}^{2}/\nu_{ee}=T_{e}/\nu_{ee}m_{e}
\chi_{i}\sim v_{Ti}^{2}/\nu_{ii}=T_{i}/\nu_{ii}m_{i}

The ratio is then:


This page was recovered in October 2009 from the Plasmagicians page on Generals_2005_I_3 dated 20:23, 15 May 2007.

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