Landau Damping

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Valid regimes of Landau damping:

  • Bounce period of a particle should be shorter than wave damping time

\tau_{bounce} \simeq 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{m_e}{e E k}}

Summary of Landau Damping

1. Take a box

2. Cut a hole in the box

3. Start with Vlasov; Fourier in space, Laplace in time. This yields an expression for \hat{f_{1s}}

4. From \nabla^2 \phi = 4\pi e \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f_1 d^3v, eliminate \hat{f_{1s}} from (3)

5. This yields \hat{\phi_{1}(p)}=\frac{N(p)}{D(P)}

6. Inverse Laplace transform: \phi_{1}(t) = \int_{C} dp \frac{N(p)}{D(p)} e^{pt}. The contour C is originally the Bromwich countour, which can be deformed into a region p < p0 where \hat{\phi(p)} is not defined. For Re(p) < 0, e^{pt}\rightarrow -\infty, so φ1(t) is defined only by the poles.

7. Argue that N(p) does not have any poles. Thus all the poles of \frac{N(p)}{D(P)} come from the zeros of D(p) This gives the dispersion function:

D=1-\frac{1}{k^2}\sum_s \frac{4\pi e_s^2}{m_s}\int dv_{\parallel} \frac{  \frac{\partial F}{\partial v_{\parallel}}     } {v_{\parallel}-\imath p/k  }

8. The behavior of \phi_{1}(t)\propto e^{p_j} will be dominated by the zero pj of D with the greatest real part. This will correspond to the mode with the higher growth or lowest damping.

9. Evaluating D requires an integration in v_{\parallel} along a Landau contour. To get the proper contour remember that in the definition of Laplace transform, p > 0. Thus the pole in D is initially above the real axis. As p is allowed to become negative, the pole will descend crossing the real axis at some point. The contour then must be indented downwards to preserve analyticity of D.

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