Wave energy density

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W=\frac{1}{16 \pi} [B^* \cdot B+E^*\cdot \partial_{\omega}(\omega \epsilon_h) \cdot E ]

  • In the electrostatic approximation

From Stix p. 78

For waves in the electrostatic approximation using the dispersion relation k\cdot \epsilon \cdot k = 0
Kinetic flux (electrostatic):

T=-\frac{\omega}{16 \pi} |\phi|^2 k\cdot \frac{\partial \epsilon_h}{\partial k} \cdot k

Note that T is a vector.

Energy density (electrostatic):

W \simeq \frac{\omega}{16 \pi} |\phi|^2 k\cdot \frac{\partial \epsilon_h}{\partial \omega} \cdot k

And W is a scalar.

Now the Poynting flux P can be found from the following relationship (06 P2 Q5):

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