CEMM Meeting

#260 Catamaran Room, Lowes Hotel

Annapolis MD

April 22, 2007




I. Updates on Code Benchmarking activities in the areas of sawteeth, ELMs, and reconnection


1:00 Breslau / sovinec1 Sawtoo= th update and plans

1:20 discussion on follow-up activities

1:40 Strauss / Kruger / Pankin - ELM studies, benchmark update, and pl= ans

2:10 Jardin / Sovinec Reconnection with a guide field


II. Short Tec= hnical presentations on new applications, analysis, closures, test problems


2:30 Kruger / Breslau2 - Error field and RMP update and plans

3:00 break

3:15 Zhu Localized Interchanges

3:45 Barnes Particle Closures

4:15 Held Parallel Closures and preliminary scaling results

4:45 Fu implicit solves in M3D:  status and plans


III. Closed Meeting of CEMM team to discuss new CEMM proposal


5:00 discussion and review of First Draft of Proposal which is due April 15th!

6:00 adjourn


Discussions to continue over no-host dinner