NCL commands


This module discusses those statements that are legal to type in--in interactive mode--at the NCL prompt, or those statements that are legal to include in an NCL script. This module also details the functions and procedures that are a part of NCL and how to add to that function set.

NCL statements

A statement is the fundamental element of NCL. Statements are not restricted to being a single line of source code, and statements can be nested within statements. You should keep two important things in mind about how NCL executes its statements:
  1. A statement is only executed after it has been parsed and is found to be free of syntax errors.

  2. If a runtime error occurs while executing a statement, execution of the statment--and any statements in which the erroneous statement is nested--is immediately terminated.

Flow control

NCL offers several flow control statements that are similar to flow control statements in other computer languages (details are provided by the links):
If statements - These statements, of the form If-then and If-then-else, implement a decision-making capability in NCL.

Looping - The two looping statements are Do for looping from a starting value to an ending value with a stride and Do while for looping until a condition is met.

break can be used to abort a loop and continue can be used to abort the current iteration of a loop.

Visualization blocks

NCL has three statements for interfacing with the High Level Utilities library:
create - Allows you to create an HLU object and assign values to its resources.
setvalues - Allows you to modify resources in an HLU object after it has been created.
getvalues - Allows you to retrieve the values of the resource setting in an HLU object.

Other statements

block allows you to group statements into a new statement and can be used to require syntax-checking on a block of statements before executing those statements.

An assignment statement allows you to assign a value to any legal NCL construct that can have a value, such as variables, arrays, and so forth.

new is a statement that can be used to initialize variables and arrays and is similar in function to type statements in other languages.

quit is used to exit NCL.

record and stop can be used to start and stop the recording of NCL commands in a file.

Functions and procedures

In NCL, a function or procedure is a name followed by arguments in parentheses with the arguments separated by commas. A function or procedure is invoked by referencing its name and supplying an argument list. A function returns a value, a procedure does not. Arguments can be of any type, but facilities exist in defining a function for imposing restrictions on the arguments, such as numbers of dimensions and dimension sizes. For arguments that must be a certain type, the NCL coercion rules apply. All arguments are passed by reference in NCL; this means that a change in the value of an argument within a function or procedure will change the value of the argument in the call. If a parameter is coerced before a function is called, changes within the function will not be reflected in the parameter.

General functions and procedures

addfile - Function used to open a new data file (returns a file id).
all - Function that returns True if all of the arguments in the input logical array are True.
any - Function that returns True if any of the arguments in the input logical array is True.
asciiread - Function that reads ASCII files.
asciiwrite - Procedure that writes an ASCII data file from an NCL numeric data type.
cbinread - Function that reads binary files created with a C block I/O function write.
cbinwrite - Procedure that writes a binary file in raw C block I/O format from a numeric data type.
delete - Procedure used to delete variables and free the symbol name from the symbol table.
dimsizes - Function that returns the sizes of the dimensions of any data array.
fbinread - Function that reads binary files created using an unformatted Fortran write.
fbinwrite - Procedure that writes a binary file, using Fortran unformatted writes, of a numeric data type.
getenv - Function that retrieves the values of shell environment variables.
getfilevarnames - Function that retrieves the variable names from a file.
isatt - Function that returns True if a specific attribute name is defined.
isdim - Function that returns True if a specific dimension name is defined.
isfilevar - Function that returns True if a specific file variable name is defined.
isfilevaratt - Function that returns True if a specific file variable attribute name is defined.
isfilevardim - Function that returns True if a specific file variable dimension name is defined.
ismissing - Function that returns True if its argument references a missing value.
list_files - Procedure that lists all of the current variables containing references to files.
list_filevars - Procedure that lists all of the variables associated with a specific file.
list_hlus - Procedure that lists all of the HLU objects currently referenced by NCL.
list_procfuncs - Procedure that lists all the currently defined NCL functions and procedures.
list_vars - Procedure that lists the currently defined variables.
print - Procedure that prints the value of a variable (including file variables) and expressions.
qsort - Procedure that sorts singly-dimensioned numeric arrays in place.
sqsort - Procedure that sorts singly-dimensioned string arrays in place.
rand - Function that generates pseudo random numbers.
sizeof - Function that returns the size, in bytes, of its argument.
sleep - Procedure that pauses execution for a specified number of seconds.
srand - Procedure that establishes a seed for the rand function.
system - Procedure that passes UNIX system commands to the shell.

Math functions

Currently supported math functions are: abs , acos , asin , atan , ceil , cos , cosh , fabs , floor , idsfft , log , log10 , sin , sinh , sqrt , tan , tanh .

NCL versions of HLU functions and procedures

NCL contains versions of most of the functions and procedures available to the HLUs. For some of these, such as "draw", "delete" and so forth, the NCL names have been shortened for convenience. The full HLU names are still available in NCL if you want to use them. You may use whichever name you prefer; the arguments will be identical.
clear - Procedure that provides access to the NhlClearWorkstation procedure for clearing workstations.
datatondc - Procedure that provides access to the function NhlDataToNDC for converting from data coordinates to NDC coordinates.
destroy - Procedure that provides access to the NhlDestroy procedure for removing HLU objects.
draw - Procedure providing access to the basic draw function NhlDraw.
frame - Procedure providing access to the HLU picture control function NhlFrame.
ndctodata - Procedure providing access to the function NhlNDCToData for converting from NDC coordinates to data coordinates.
NhlAddAnnotation - Function that adds an annotation to a plot.
NhlAddData - Function for adding one or more additional data items to a plot.
NhlClassName - Function returning the class name of one or more HLU objects.
NhlDataPolyline - Procedure for drawing an immediate mode polyline using data coordinates.
NhlDataPolygon - Procedure for drawing an immediate mode polygon using data coordinates.
NhlDataPolymarker - Procedure for drawing an immediate mode polymarker using data coordinates.
NhlFreeColor - Procedure for removing color index settings from specified workstations.
NhlGetBB - Function for retrieving the bounding boxes of a list of HLU input objects.
NhlIsAllocatedColor - Function for interrogating a workstation to see if a given color index has been allocated.
NhlName - Function that returns the object name of an HLU object, given the HLU object identifier.
NhlNDCPolyline - Procedure for drawing an immediate mode polyline using NDC coordinates.
NhlNDCPolygon - Procedure for drawing an immediate mode polygon using NDC coordinates.
NhlNDCPolymarker - Procedure for drawing an immediate mode polymarker using NDC coordinates.
NhlNewColor - Function used to allocate new workstation color indices.
NhlRemoveAnnotation - Procedure for removing annotations from plots.
NhlRemoveData - Procedure for removing data items from one or more plots.
NhlRemoveOverlay - Procedure for removing one or more plots from an overlay.
NhlSetColor - Procedure for defining workstation color indices.
NhlUpdateData - Procedure that forces an update of the internal state of a DataComm object.
overlay - Procedure used to overlay one HLU plot object over a specific style of transformation.
update - Procedure providing access to the HLU update workstation function NhlUpdateWorkstation.

NCL data type conversion functions

Conversion functions exist for every possible data conversion in NCL: chartodouble, chartofloat, chartoint, chartolong, chartoshort, doubletobyte, doubletochar, doubletoint, doubletofloat, doubletolong, doubletoshort, floattobyte, floattochar, floattoint, floattolong, floattoshort, inttobyte, inttochar, inttoshort, longtobyte, longtochar, longtoint, longtoshort, shorttobyte, shorttochar, chartostring, stringtochar.

Intrinsic functions

An intrinsic function is not defined by NCL source; it is a C or Fortran routine that has been added to the NCL function set. Intrinsic functions often perform operations that NCL source does not support. For details on NCL intrinsic functions, see the Intrinsic functions section of the NCL Reference Guide.

Writing your own function or procedure

NCL allows you to define your own functions and procedures. NCL functions and procedures are similar to functions and procedures in most programming languages, but there are some distinct differences. For details on procedures in general, see NCL procedure overview. For specifics on the syntax of defining your own functions and procedures, see NCL functions and procedures definitions.

Adding to NCL's function set

Please see the NCL Reference Manual for a discussion of Extending NCL's function set.

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