You can modify any of the values for any record with the Modify Record option. Specify the record number (or TID). Specify the value of each key parameter. Then enter the name of the parameter that you want to change and its new value. When you have changed all the parameters that you want to change, enter ; to store the modified record. RETURN at the parameter prompt will show the values.
Suppose that you notice a mistake in the data. TE for shot 82996 should be 1.75. Use the record number , which is the parameter TID, to access the record. This number is unique for each record entered and will not change even if you delete records. Use the PRINT program which is described in section 3 to see the TIDs.
Edit,Print,Plot,Regress,...? E
Create a new version? Y
Edit option? MR
For record? 5
Parameter? TE 1.75 ;
For record? \
Edit option?
Suppose that you notice a mistake in the data. TE for shot
82996 should be 1.75. Use shot for the key to
access the record.
Edit option? PK SHOT ;
Edit option? MR 82996
shot? 82996 1.75 ;
For shot? \
Edit option?
(To get back to the EDIT option, enter \
. The most recent
parameter modified is the default.)