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CHAPTER 1: The Python Graphics Interface
1.1 Overview of the Python Graphics Interface
1.2 Using the Python Graphics Interface
1.3 About This Manual
CHAPTER 2: Introduction to Object-Oriented Graphics
2.1 Object Oriented Graphics
2.2 Running OOG
2.3 Class Summary
CHAPTER 3: Two-Dimensional Geometric Objects
3.1 Curve Objects
3.2 Lines Objects
3.3 QuadMesh Objects
3.3.1 Plots of Mesh Lines
3.3.2 Contour Plots
3.4 Region Objects
3.5 Polymap Objects
3.6 CellArray Objects
CHAPTER 4: Three-Dimensional Geometric Objects
4.1 Surface Objects
4.2 Mesh3d Objects
4.2.1 Structured vs. Nonstructured Meshes
4.2.2 Regular (or Structured) Meshes
4.2.3 Irregular (Unstructured) Meshes
4.3 Plane objects
4.4 Slice objects
4.5 3D Animation
CHAPTER 5: Graph Objects
5.1 Graph2d Objects
5.2 Graph3d Objects
CHAPTER 6: Animation2d Objects
CHAPTER 7: Plotters: A Brief Primer

Table of Contents

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