CEMM Project Meeting April 10 2005

in conjunction with the Sherwood 2005 Fusion Theory Meeting

Stateline, NV: April 11-13


Glasser: Harmonic Grid Generation for the Tokamak Edge Region

Hientzsc Spectral Elements for Two-Dimensional Resistive MHD

Fu: Nonlinear Dynamics of Energetic Particle-driven Fishbone Instability in Tokamak Plasmas

Kim: Hot Particle Resistive Kink in NIMROD

Ramos: The General (Coordinate-free) expressions for the gyroviscous force

Jardin: Fully Implicit Solution of the full 2-fluid 2D MHD equations using high-order C^1 finite Elements

Sovinec: Analysis of Numerical Algorithms for two fluid Multiscale Computation

Barnes: Two-fluid FRC calculations

Strauss: Low order spectral elements

Breslau: Progress of CDX-U Sawtooth Studies with M3D

Pankin: Progress of CDX-U Sawtooth Studies with NIMROD

Held: Parallel ion viscous stress

Schnack: NIMROD results from CDX-U

Sugiyama: 2-fluid effects

Brennan: ELM Modeling using NIMROD

Cohen: NIMROD Simulations of SSPX Spheromak Physics


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