CEMM Meeting 15 March 2015
NYU New York, NY
In Conjunction with the Sherwood Meeting
Glasser: Update on resistive DCON
Lyons: Applied 3D field validation studies for ASDEX-U
Kruger: Edge modeling with NIMROD
Held: Update on continuum hot particle applications in NIMROD
Ramos: Kinetic-MHD linear system wtih fast equilibrium rotation
Howell: Extended MHD analysis of the gravitational interchange
Ferraro: New developments in M3DC1
Sovinec: Disruption modeling with NIMROD
Strauss: Disruption scaling laws from wall force and toroidal rotation
Jenkins: NIMROD modeling of sawtooth modes
Jardin: Physics of sawtooth free discharges
Hudson: Ghost surfaces and island detection
Sugiyama: New results for edge instabilities
please email contributions to jardin@pppl.gov