Scientific Graphics for
Visualization and Monitoring
graphs of data from a variety of sources. Users can
explore the data and output publication quality PostScript
and PDF files. ElVis can display and animate several
graph windows simultaneously. The software is
written in Java for portability. Long running
simulations can be monitored by running ElVis and
selecting data from its internal browser.
ElVis is developed by Eliot Feibush
at PPPL.
Download and run this
launcher program to install ElVis, check for new versions,
and run ElVis with increased memory. This Java
program also checks for the right version of Java on your
computer. Initially, it installs the latest version
of ElVis in the "Elvis" directory in your home
directory. The launcher then runs ElVis with the
amount of memory you specify. Subsequently, when you
run the launcher, it checks to see if a new version of
ElVis is available. The latest version is dated
9/20/2017. The version date is shown in the title
bar. Update information is available from the
toolbar menu under Help-->What's new.