PFRC: Research Papers

Princeton Field-reversed Configuration Experiment: Research Papers

  1. "Maintaining the Closed Magnetic-field-line Topology of a Field-reversed Configuration with the Addition of Static Transverse Magnetic Fields," S.A. Cohen and R.D. Milroy, Phys. Plasmas 7:6 (June 2000) 2539-2545. DOI: (Published online 17 May 2000) (Paper is a 172 KB PDF file.)
  2. "Ion Heating in the Field-Reversed Configuration by Rotating Magnetic Fields near the Ion-Cyclotron Resonance," S.A. Cohen and A.H. Glasser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85:24 (11 December 2000) 5114-5117. DOI: (Paper is a 220 KB PDF file.)
  3. "Ion and Electron Acceleration in the Field-reversed Configuration with an Odd-parity Rotating Magnetic Field," A.H. Glasser and S.A. Cohen, Phys. Plasmas 9:5 (May 2002) 2093-2102. DOI: (Published online 23 April 2002.) (Paper is a 248 KB PDF file.)
  4. "Regular and Stochastic Orbits of Ions in a Highly Prolate Field-reversed Configuration," A.S. Landsman, S.A. Cohen, and A.H. Glasser, Phys. Plasmas 11:3 (March 2004) 947-957. DOI: (Published online 19 February 2004.) (Paper is a 444 KB PDF file.)
  5. "Resonance and Chaotic Trajectories in Magnetic Field Reversed Configuration," A.S. Landsman, S.A. Cohen, M. Edelman, G.M. Zaslavsky, "Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerial Simulation 10:6 (September 2005) 617-642. DOI: (Published online 21 March 2004.) (Paper is a 600 KB PDF file.)
  6. "Onset and Saturation of Ion Heating by Odd-parity Rotating Magnetic Fields in a Field-reversed Configuration," A.S. Landsman, S.A. Cohen, and A.H. Glasser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96:1 (3 January 2006) paper 015002. DOI: (Paper is a 196 KB PDF file.)
  7. "Formation of Collisionless High-β Plasmas by Odd-parity Rotating Magnetic Fields," S.A. Cohen, B. Berlinger, C. Brunkhorst, A. Brooks, N. Ferraro, D.P. Lundberg, A. Roach, and A.H. Glasser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98:14 (6 April 2007) paper 145002. DOI: (Published online 5 April 2007.) (Paper is a 544 KB PDF file.)
  8. "Stochastic Ion Heating in a Field-reversed Configuration Geometry by Rotating Magnetic Fields," S.A. Cohen, A.S. Landsman, and A.H. Glasser, Phys. Plasmas 14:7 (July 2007) paper 072508 (12 pages). DOI: (Published online 18 July 2007.) (Paper is a 764 KB PDF file.)
  9. "The Princeton FRC Rotating-Magnetic-Field-Experiment RF System," C. Brunkhorst, B. Berlinger, N. Ferraro, and S.A. Cohen, in proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering 2007 (SOFE2007), (17-21 June 2007, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) pp 1-4. DOI: (Paper is a 328 KB PDF file.)
  10. "Design Aid Diagram for FRC Fusion-research Devices: Research Paths Defined by Dimensionless Variables," S.A. Cohen, presentation to the Fusion Energy Science Advisory Committee (FESAC), June 2008. (Paper is a 135 KB PDF file.)
  11. "RMFo-Formed Collisionless High-β Plasmas: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow," S.A. Cohen, B. Berlinger, C. Brunkhorst, A. Brooks, N. Ferraro, D. Lundberg, A. Roach, and A.H. Glasser, AIP Conference Proceedings 1154 (2009) 165. DOI: (Published online 24 July 2009.) (Paper is a 765 KB PDF file.)
  12. "A Fast Implicit Algorithm for Highly Magnetized Charged Particle Motion," T.C. Genoni, R.E. Clark, and D.R. Welch, The Open Plasma Physics Journal 3 (2010) 36-41. DOI: (Published online 13 April 2010.) (Paper is a 1.5 MB PDF file.)
  13. "Formation of Field-reversed-configuration Plasma with Punctuated-betatron-orbit Electrons," D.R. Welch, S.A. Cohen, T.C.Genoni, and A.H. Glasser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 paper 015002 (1 July 2010) 4 pages. DOI: (Paper is a 2.4 MB PDF file.)
  14. "Greek Fire: Nicholas Christofilos and the Astron Project in America’s Early Fusion Program," Elisheva R. Coleman, Samuel A. Cohen, and Michael S. Mahoney, J. Fusion Energy 30:3 (June 2011) 238-256. DOI: (Published online 26 February 2011.) (Paper is a 455 KB PDF file.)
  15. "Passive Superconducting Flux Conservers for Rotating-magnetic-field-driven Field-reversed Configurations," C.E. Myers, M.R. Edwards, B. Berlinger, A. Brooks, and S.A. Cohen, Fusion Sci. Technol. 61:1 (January 2012) 86-103. DOI: (Published online 17 March 2017.) (Paper is a 1.1 MB PDF file.)
  16. "Coherent Population Trapping as a Magnetic-field Diagnostic for Hydrogen Plasmas," D.R. Farley, J.M. Mitrani, and S.A. Cohen, Phys. Rev. A 85:3 (12 March 2012) Article No. 033412 (10 pages). DOI: (Paper is a 782 KB PDF file.)
  17. "Use of Polycarbonate Vacuum Vessels in High-temperature Fusion-plasma Research," B. Berlinger, A. Brooks, H. Feder, J. Gumbas, T. Franckowiak, and S.A. Cohen, presented at the American Nuclear Society (ANS) 20th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (27-31 August 2012, Nashville, TN); published in the ANS J. Fus. Sci. Techn. 64:2 (August 2013) 298-302. DOI: (Paper is a 1.8 MB PDF file.)
  18. "Modular Aneutronic Fusion Engine," Y. Razin, G. Pajer, M. Breton, E. Ham, J. Mueller, M. Paluszek, A.H. Glasser, and S. Cohen, in the Proceedings of the 63rd International Astronautical Congress (1-5 October 2012, Naples, Italy) Vol. 10 (IAC 2012) 7879-7888. (Paper is a 3.3 MB PDF file.)
  19. "Direct Fusion Drive Rocket for Asteroid Deflection," J.B. Mueller, Y.S. Razin, M.A. Paluszek, A.J. Knutson, G. Pajer, S.A. Cohen, and A.H. Glasser, presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference (IEPC-2013-296), The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA (6-10 October 2013). (Paper is a 6.8 MB PDF file.)
  20. "Direct Fusion Drive for a Human Mars Orbital Mission," M. Paluszek, G. Pajer, S. Cohen, K. Griffin, M. Walsh, and A.H. Glasser, presented at the 65th International Astronautical Congress (2014, Toronto, Canada), paper IAC-14,C4,6.2. (Paper is a 7.6 MB PDF file.) Also PPPL-5064 (August 2014) 14 pp.
  21. "Reducing Neutron Emission from Small Fusion Engines," S.A. Cohen, M. Chu-Cheong, R. Feder, K. Griffin, M. Khodak, J. Klabacha, E. Meier, S. Newbury, M. Paluszek, T. Rognlien, S. Thomas, and M. Walsh, in the Proceedings of the 66th International Astronautical Congress (12-16 October 2015, Jerusalem, Israel) Vol. 10 (IAC 2015) 7749-7759. (Paper is a 2.3 MB PDF file.)
  22. "A New Vision for Fusion Energy Research: Fusion Rocket Engines for Planetary Defense," G.A. Wurden, T.E. Weber, P.J. Turchi, P.B. Parks, T.E. Evans, S.A. Cohen, J.T. Cassibry, and E.M. Campbell, J. Fusion Energy 35 (2016) 123-133. DOI: (Paper is an 870 KB PDF file.)
  23. "Fusion-enabled Pluto Orbiter and Lander," S.J. Thomas, M.A. Paluszek, and S.A. Cohen, 2017 AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, paper AIAA 2017-5276 (12-14 September 2017; Orlando, Florida). (Published online 15 September 2017.) DOI: (Paper is a 6.9 MB PDF file.)
  24. "Using Poisson-regularized Inversion of Bremsstrahlung Emission to Extract Full Electron Energy Distribution Functions from X-ray Pulse-height Detector Data," C. Swanson, P. Jandovitz, and S.A. Cohen, AIP Advances 8:2, paper 025222 (February 2018). DOI: (Published online 27 February 2018.) (Paper is a 1.3 MB PDF file.)
  25. "Demonstration of Fast-electron Populations in a Low-pressure, Low-power, Magnetized RF Plasma Source," P. Jandovitz, C. Swanson, J. Matteucci, R. Oliver, J. Pearcy, and S.A. Cohen, Phys. Plasmas 25:3, paper 030702 (March 2018). DOI: (Published online 27 March 2018.) (Paper is a 810 kB PDF file.)
  26. "Particle-in-cell Studies of Fast-ion Slowing-down Rates in Cool Tenuous Magnetized Plasma," E.S. Evans, S.A. Cohen, and D.R. Welch, Phys. Plasmas 25:4, paper 042105 (April 2018). DOI: (Published online April 2018.) (Paper is a 4.3 MB PDF file.)
  27. "Direct Fusion Drive for Interstellar Exploration," S.A. Cohen, C. Swanson, N. McGreivy, A. Raja, E. Evans, P. Jandovitz, M. Khodak, G. Pajerj, T.D. Rognuen, S. Thomas, and M. Paluszek, presented at the Workshop on Interstellar Flight, City Tech, Brooklyn (2017); published in Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, JBIS 72:2 (February 2019) 37–50. (Paper is a 25.2 MB PDF file.)
  28. "Meet NASA Inventor Stephanie Thomas and Her Team's Fusion-powered Spacecraft," William D. Adams (Children's Author), published by World Book, Incorporated; first printing May 2021, 48 pages. (Paper is a 4.1 MB PDF file.)
  29. "The Effect of Rigid Electron Rotation of the Grad-Shafranov Equilibria of a Class of FRC Devices," C.P.S. Swanson and S.A. Cohen, Nucl. Fusion 61:8, paper 086023 (August 2021) 14 pp. DOI: (Published online 16 July 2021.) (Paper is a 2 MB PDF file.)
  30. "Interpreting Ion-energy Distributions using Charge Exchange Emitted from Deeply Kinetic Field-reversed-configuration Plasmas," A.H. Glasser and S.A. Cohen, Phys. Plasmas 29:5, paper 052508 (2022). DOI: (Published online 19 May 2022.) (Paper is a 3.2 MB PDF file.)
  31. "An Analytical Approach to Evaluating Magnetic-field Closure and Topological Changes in FRC Devices," T. Ahsan and S.A. Cohen, Phys. Plasmas 29:7, paper 072507 (2022). DOI: (Published online 27 July 2022.) (Paper is a 2.3 MB PDF file.)
  32. "Electron Heating in 2D: Combining Fermi-Ulam Acceleration and Magnetic-moment Non-adiabaticity in a Mirror-configuration Plasma," C.P.S. Swanson, C.A. Galea, and S.A. Cohen, Phys. Plasmas 29:8, paper 082106 (2022). DOI: (Published online 05 August 2022.) (Paper is a 2.6 MB PDF file.)
  33. "Simulating Single-particle Dynamics in Magnetized Plasmas: The RMF code," A.H. Glasser and S.A. Cohen, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93:8, paper 083506 (2022). DOI: (Published online 10 August 2022.) (Paper is a 5.7 MB PDF file.)
  34. "Evaluation of a Collisional Radiative Model for Electron Temperature Determination in Hydrogen Plasma," S.P. Vinoth, E.S. Evans, C.P.S. Swanson, E. Palmerduca, and S.A. Cohen, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93:9, paper 093503 (2022). DOI: (Published online 9 September 2022.) (Paper is a 4.5 MB PDF file.)
  35. "Nuclear Fusion Powered Titan Aircraft," M. Paluszek, A. Price, Z. Koniaris, C. Galea, S. Thomas, S. Cohen, and R. Stutz, presented at the 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2022), 18–22 September 2022, Paris, France. (Paper is a 7.0 MB PDF file.)
  36. "A Diagnostic to Measure Neutral-atom Density in Fusion-research Plasmas," A. Dogariu, S.A. Cohen, P. Jandovitz, S. Vinoth, E.S. Evans, and C.P.S. Swanson, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93:9, paper 093519 (2022). DOI: (Published online 26 September 2022.) (Paper is a 4.9 MB PDF file.)
  37. "Use of a Mylar Filter to Eliminate Vacuum Ultraviolet Pulse Pileup in low-energy X-ray Measurements," C.A Galea, C.P.S. Swanson, S.A. Cohen, and S.J. Thomas, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93:9, paper 093531 (2022). DOI: (Published online 30 September 2022.) (Paper is a 5.6 MB PDF file.)
  38. "Energizing Charged Particles by an Orbit Instability in a Slowly Rotating Magnetic Field," E. Palmerduca, H. Qin, and S.A. Cohen, Phys. Rev. E 106:4, paper 045209 (October 21, 2022). DOI: (Paper is a 3.5 MB PDF file.)
  39. "Portable Diagnostic Package for Thomson Scattering and Optical Emission Spectroscopy on Princeton Field-Reversed Configuration 2 (PFRC-2)," N. Kafle, D. Elliott, B. Berlinger, Z. He, S. Cohen, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93:11, paper 113506 (November 2022). DOI: (Published online 3 November 2022.) (Paper is a 4.9 MB PDF file.)
  40. "The Princeton Field-Reversed Configuration for Compact Nuclear Fusion Power Plants," C. Galea, S. Thomas, M. Paluszek, and S. Cohen, J. Fusion Energy 42, paper 4 (January 31, 2023). DOI: (Published online 31 January 2023.) (Paper is a 2.7 MB PDF file.)
  41. "Analysis and Mitigation of Pulsed-Pile-Up Artifacts in Plasma Pulse-Height X-ray Spectra," T. Ahsan, C.P.S Swanson, C. Galea, S.P. Vinoth, T. Qian, T. Rubin, and S.A. Cohen, Plasma 6:1 (February 2, 2023) 58–71. DOI: (Paper is a 4.0 MB PDF file.)
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