FDM3D Workshop

PPPL Theory Conference Room (T169)


Monday March 19th:


9:15  Jardin:  Introduction and need for consolidation and coordination

9:30 Breslau:  Present status of M3D

10:30 break (and opportunity to check email)

11:00 Chen:  Scaling studies and bottlenecks of M3D

11:30 Jardin: A coarse-grained roadmap for M3D code development

12:00 Break for Lunch

1:00 Discussion led by Jansen:  Types of Elements

 (structured, unstructured, spectral, polynomial, rectangular, triangular, C0, C1) ... participants who will be making brief 10 min presentations.

Glasser spectral elements used in SEL

Hientzsch spectral elements

Strauss high order elements

Jardin C1 triangular elements

3:00 break

3:15 Discussion led by Keyes:  Strategies for implicit solves.participants who will be making brief 10 min presentations

Glasser Schur complement domain substructuring

Samtaney Preconditioned JFNK

Adams Multigrid for MHD

Jardin Line Relaxation based on direct inversion

Fu Implicit treatment of Fast and Alfven waves

5:15 adjourn


Tuesday: March 20th


9:00 Hudson:  Prospects for (approximate) field aligned coordinates

9:30 Chance: Coupling a resistive Wall to M3D

10:00 Strauss/Hientzsch: Introduction of Spectral Elements to M3D,


10:45 break


11:15 Fu/Breslau: A Physics Based Implicit Method for M3D


12:00 break for lunch


1:00 Glasser Spectral Element Code and Relation to M3D

1:45 Reynolds: preconditioned JFNK

2:30 break

3:00 Jardin M3D-C1 approach to an implicit, high-order M3D code


3:45 Discussion of options and status


Wednesday Morning:  March 21st


9:00 Development of a more detailed roadmap for M3D development in next 5 years


12:00 adjourn