Welcome to Wei-li Lee's WWW page

Distinguished Laboratory Fellow, PPPL
Principal Research Physicist, Theory Department
Fellow, American Physical Society/Divison of Plasma Physics

Research Areas:
Particle Simulation of Tokamak Plasmas and Particle Beams, Kinetic Theory.

BS, National Taiwan University; MS, Duke University; PhD, Northwestern University

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Accelerator Physicist, 1970 - 1974.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Memeber of Research Staff, 1974 - present:
SciDAC Center for Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Turbulent Transport in Burning Plasmas (GPSC), Principal Investigator, 2004 - 2007.
ASCR/MICS Project for MultiScale Gyrokinetics (MSG), Principal Investigator, 2005 - 2008.


Office phone:
(609) 243-2647

Positive Experiences:
Negative Experiences:

Above: Some images for the evolution of the simulation particles and perturbed potentials obtained from the turbulence simulation (see GPSC below).

You can go to the following WWW pages and downloads for our recent gyrokinetic particle simulation efforts for DoE Scientific Discovery through Adavnced Computing (SciDAC) and Multiscale Mathematics projects:

You can also download our recent gyrokinetic particle simulation work:

Click here to see the simulation results on Size Scaling

Click here to see some old movies on ITG modes: particles (5MB), potentials (3MB)

Click here to access to the SciDAC_06 paper SciDAC_06_Lee.zip (17MB)

Click here to access to our paper on turbulent transport PPPL-4275, Lee et al.(2.6MB)

Click here to access to our paper on the new weight-based simulation schemes PPPL-4488, Lee et al. (736KB)

A course on "Theory and Medeling of Kinetic Plasmas" was taught at Columbia in Spring '08 in conjunction with the MSG project. Here are the notes APAM4990 (1.1MB)

Here are the new lecture notes (Fall, 2010): Lecture0, Lecture1, Lecture2, Lecture3, Lecture4, Lecture5, Lecture6, Lecture7, Lecture8.

Here are the homework assignments (Fall, 2010): Homework1, Homework2, Homework3, Homework4, Homework5, TakeHomeFinal.

Descriptions and test results for the 1D PIC Code (Fall, 2010): 1D_code

Home Address:

Home Phone: