Plasma Physics Laboratory
Forrestal Campus, C-Site, Room L222
Princeton University
PO Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543

Tel: (609) 243-2162

Typically on Mon. and Tue.
Department of Astrophysical Sciences
Peyton Hall, Room 207
Princeton University
4 Ivy Lane, Princeton, NJ 08544

Tel: (609) 258-9969

Typically on Wed., Thur., and Fri.

Hantao Ji

I am a Professor at Department of Astrophysical Sciences and a Distinguished Research Fellow at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) (try here and here also), Princeton University.

News: A manuscript by Sayak Bose has been submitted to a refereed journal reporting first experimental detection of Alfven wave reflection relevant to solar corona heating!

News: A new review paper titled, “Laboratory study of collisionless magnetic reconnection”, has been published in Space Science Reviews (here is its pdf). It concisely summaries the progress made in the past two decades from the laboratory on collisionless magnetic reconnection in direct relation with space measurements. Highlights include spatial structures of electromagnetic fields in diffusion regions, energy conversion and partitioning from magnetic field to ions and electrons, kinetic plasma waves, and plamoid-mediated multiscale reconnection. The latter topic offers immediate and long-term future research opportunities. This review is part of International Space Science Institute book titled "Magnetic Reconnection: Explosive Energy Conversion in Space Plasmas"

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Current Course: AST552 (General Plasma Physics II: Magnetohydrodynamics)

Main Research Activities
